October 2010 Blog Posts (19)

Halloween weekend hockey

who's in? goalies?

Added by benny d on October 28, 2010 at 10:16am — 12 Comments

Still playing at the school in Ballard?

Hey All,
Looking to get back into street hockey. Are you still playing at the school in Ballard, or are you currently looking for a new place to play? The post about alternative use tennis courts confused me. Either way, looking forward to coming out and playing sometime.

Josh K

Added by Josh K on October 27, 2010 at 2:15pm — 1 Comment

South Ender

Sure like the energy and what you do here folks - thanks for your efforts!

I'm a 40 something Federal Way resident who grew up on Long Island playing in a "deck hockey" league much of my mid-teens - travelled an hour 2 to 3 nights a week for games at the rink in Sayville. Coach owned a painting business, used to drive a dozen of us up there - we all sat on upside down paint buckets in the back of his business van. Some of the best times of my life...



Added by Chris K on October 27, 2010 at 12:54pm — 3 Comments

City Parks Tennis Court Mix-Use Update

Here's a letter sent out from the city with an update for alternative tennis court use. Not looking great for us, and no courts in our area seem to be in consideration.

DATE: October 25, 2010

TO: Board of Park Commissioners

FROM: Dennis Cook, Parks Athletics Manager

SUBJECT: Proposed Criteria for Allowing Alternate Use on Tennis Courts

Requested Board Action

This… Continue

Added by Steve W on October 25, 2010 at 4:30pm — 5 Comments

ballot guide - non-hockey related

Hi folks. Just a brief abuse of this website for a non-hockey related item, for those of you who can actually vote here. The mid-term elections are going to have a lot of repercussions for our community, and the King County ballot is particularly complicated - stacked with initiatives and referendums as well as federal, state, and local races. I'm posting a ballot guide I've compiled, and am happy to speak with anyone who has any questions at all about the substance of the… Continue

Added by Katherine Cortes on October 25, 2010 at 1:46pm — 1 Comment

Vegas Feb 25-27 2011 (updated on Dec. 20)

Info needed if you are going to Vegas

First & Last name

shirt size & number

payment status

Please e-mail dcdoucet@gmail.com your e-mail address & phone number (I'll hide those from the online version of the roster sheet to avoid solicitor e-mails & phone calls).   Add your other info, and your airline + flight info if possible, here:…


Added by dcd on October 24, 2010 at 12:00pm — 11 Comments

Saturday 10/23 Game on. Who's in?

It's a good week for hockey. Supposed to be a beautiful fall Seattle day tomorrow. Sunny, 85 and no chance of rain.

Who's playing, who's in net?

Added by KS on October 22, 2010 at 10:29am — 10 Comments

Viral hockey clips


Added by vp on October 18, 2010 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

Lost white leftie hockey stick

If anyone has seen it, can you bring it in today. It has a white rubber butt on one end.



Added by Robert Quaak on October 16, 2010 at 8:43am — No Comments

Beautiful Fall Hockey Day! 10/16

Suppose to be a beautiful day for hockey! Not warm and not cold, but perfect with blue skies! Who's in? Is there an extra goalie, or do we have to sign the Virtual Goalie to a contract for the day?

Added by Anthony on October 15, 2010 at 6:00pm — 15 Comments

Street Hockey in Athens, GA

Believe it or not, even down here in Athens, Georgia, we have a street hockey rink. (Sorry Vinnie, not trying to rub it in.)

But, I thought a couple of you guys (from way back when) might want to check out this article about our street hockey group here in Athens. If I had known the press were…


Added by Tyler on October 15, 2010 at 10:55am — 4 Comments

Parks Department Update

Warning: this may very well be a long and boring post. I'm just updating those individuals interested in goings on with the Parks Department and also posting everything I've learned lately from the Parks before I forget it and for future reference. First I'll summarize the trip, the explain what I learned about building a new hockey rink. Feel free to ignore this post if this isn't your thing...I shan't be offended.

That being said, on October 7th I tagged along with the… Continue

Added by Steve W on October 10, 2010 at 8:55pm — 8 Comments

Stick left behind

I left behind my really long white Koho righty stick today. It has a rubber butt end on it. It has sentimental value so I am offering a $1 reward for its safe return. Anyone have it?

Added by Erik on October 9, 2010 at 6:19pm — 1 Comment


SSFHL needs someone to take over a team for the up coming season that starts on Monday.

The guy that was suppose to run the squad has a family emergency and won't be able to manage his team.

Please see Benny D our commish if you're interested in getting involved with our fantasy hockey league. Last year

was great session and this one should be just as good.

Added by Shnoy on October 9, 2010 at 12:31pm — No Comments

10/9 Street Hockey: Rain with a chance of autographs

Only 60% chance of rain. Get used to it - we'll have that for another 8 months.
Congrats again to the PDX tourney winners! How much for an autograph?
2PM start. Who's in? Who's in goal?

Added by Adam on October 8, 2010 at 4:17pm — 9 Comments

2011 Sin City Shootout - News & Information

Here is an email regarding the 2011 Sin City Shootout:

2011 Sin City Shootout - Rules…


Added by Rob Anthony on October 6, 2010 at 10:17am — No Comments

PDX Ball Hockey Tournament Champs

Congrats to the Seattle Tsunami for winning the PDX Ball Hockey Tournament on Saturday, October 2 in Portland OR. Over 50 players vied for the coveted cup. With great weather in the forecast, cold beer on tap and the masses gathering on the grassy knoll, players and fans were ready for a great day of hockey. The Tsunami went (2-0-1) in the group play (scores 0-0, 4-0, 6-0). Dan Manderino was in top form recording 3 shutouts in group play. In the knockout phase of the tourney, Seattle was true… Continue

Added by BC on October 3, 2010 at 11:00am — 8 Comments

SSH contingent wins Portland ball hockey tourney!

Carlo, Jeff, Koh, Rob, Erik, and Dan in goal just won the whole show in Portland. 0-0, 4-0, 6-0, 5-2, and 4-1 in the final. Erik picked up the MVP with 13 goals. Nice work, guys!

Added by Katherine Cortes on October 2, 2010 at 5:26pm — 3 Comments

Best rink ever?


Added by Peto on October 2, 2010 at 11:59am — 3 Comments

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