2011 Sin City Shootout - News & Information

Here is an email regarding the 2011 Sin City Shootout:

2011 Sin City Shootout - Rules and Overview.doc

Greetings to the greater ball hockey community!!

It has taken us a little longer than in years past, but we have just finalized the details for the 6th Annual SIN CITY SHOOTOUT STREET HOCKEY TOURNAMENT in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dates of the event are listed below and I have attached a brief rules/overview document with further information about the event.

The event will once again be hosted at the Las Vegas Roller Hockey Center off Sahara just minutes from the strip. Fine Designs will again be onsite both weekends to provide tournament apparel for those interested.

Couple of quick notes......

** We will be adopting the floating blue line for this year's event.

** We've added a Masters Division, which will be open to teams consisting of players 35 years of age or older.

** Participation in the C/D and Rec Divisions must be approved by tournament. As in years past, the C/D Division is generally intended for Novice level teams participating in tournaments on the east coast, while Rec Division is intended for lower level league teams with limited to no tournament experience. Please contact me if you have any questions about the divisions.

There will be more information about the event in the coming months. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the 2011 Sin City Shootout Street Hockey Tournament.

February 18-20, 2011

(A/B, Masters & Rec Divisions)


February 25-27, 2011

(C/D, Women & Coed Divisions)

I hope this finds you and yours well!!



Terry Cox

SoCal Street Hockey, Inc.
Southern California Youth Roller Hockey Organization

USANA Health & Nutrition

Facebook: Sin City Shootout Street Hockey Tournament

Facebook: SoCal Street Hockey

Facebook: S.C.Y.R.H.O.

H: 562-944-5737
C: 562-233-8969

Views: 135


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