Believe it or not, even down here in Athens, Georgia, we have a street hockey rink. (Sorry Vinnie, not trying to rub it in.)

But, I thought a couple of you guys (from way back when) might want to check out this article about our street hockey group here in Athens. If I had known the press were coming to our game, I would have been sporting my Tsunami shirt.

(btw, I'll be in Seattle weekend of April 1st, and plan to come out for the game. See you guys then. )


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Comment by vp on November 1, 2010 at 1:59pm
Hottie on the bench your girlfriend? I hate you. See you in Vegas buddy.
Comment by Adam on October 21, 2010 at 4:53pm
Holy fuck, Seattle. Even the South has outdoor rinks?! What do we need to do around here to get some cred? Sponsor a baby seal, clean a salmon tributary, or remove invasive species? Jeez.
Good to hear from you Tyler.
Comment by KS on October 16, 2010 at 9:12am
Wow, now I'm really getting jealous. I wonder if we could convince the Y in Seattle to do something similar.

Ty, you should bring that crew to Vegas. See you in Feb.
Comment by Rob Anthony on October 15, 2010 at 11:44am
Looks like a nice little setup. I especially like the look of the night games under the lights. If we had that here we would probably add a regular weeknight game. For now we can only play about 4 weeknights a year in June/July when it stays light outside until after 9.

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