It was much closer than the score indicates but Canada bested the US for the 3rd year in a row. Good thing this was over in 4 games. We would have needed stretchers otherwise.
The MVP (Koh Smythe) goes to Scott Macquarie. Well deserved. His superscuzz point shot mystified the US goaltenders.
Thanks to Koh's raffle efforts at the bbq, we now…
Added by vp on June 30, 2009 at 5:17pm —
I found it.
Da Juice Nothing to do with hockey, but classic.
Added by GG on June 28, 2009 at 6:30pm —
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In addition to the Greenwood car show which will go up Aurora Ave and probably make parking a little bit of a problem, the rock and roll marathon is also going on tomorrow. Check out the road closures - - part of Aurora and some I-5 exits will be closed. If you're planning on playing in the USA-Canada game, you'll probably have to plan on a bit more time to get…
Added by Sharif Tai on June 26, 2009 at 4:01pm —
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From : the office of the commissioner
To : all 186 (!) members of, newbies and veterans
The 3rd annual Canada v. USA game is coming up this Saturday 6/27. This year, the event begins at noon with a somewhat serious best of 7 series pitting players USA against Canada and culminating at Petos (corner of Linden and 81st) for bbq and beers. BBQ is family friendly, so bring your lil' ones.
To keep the game flowing, we had to limit roster size…
Added by vp on June 25, 2009 at 2:12pm —
just played in this tourney, 3 on 3 with goalie 8 teams.
HOUGHTON - After missing six years of Bridgefest fun, the Feet on the Street hockey tournament was back, and for the 12 participating teams, it was a welcomed event. Only Kachows (11-14) and Bliss Assist (open) were left standing at the end, as they were crowned champions in their respective divisions.
In the adult open division, eight teams participated with only four teams moving on to the final day. The stage was…
Added by Brad Marsh on June 22, 2009 at 7:00pm —
Hi all -
A few of us with no experience playing hockey, but lots of experience watching it, are looking for a group of people to play with. Since the Saturday meetups seem to be intermediate and up (re a few posts by Cory on only looking for skilled players), does anyone have any suggestions or know of any meetups that are more casual?
Added by Benn on June 20, 2009 at 7:43pm —
I was driving home from work along 80th a bit early tonight, only to find Team USA having a little secret practice session. Good to see you guys are ready to show up this year.…

Added by ML on June 18, 2009 at 7:53pm —
We are planning to start early this Saturday at 9AM.
This will allow for an early finish and a chance to make it to the Fremont Fair. There is consensus from 15 or so at this point, so the numbers should be solid. We apologize to the regulars (Graeme) that might not be able to make it.
The three goalies are confirmed and will share time guarding the nets.
The Commissioner and he stressed that there is continued interest in keeping a high quality of play as we…
Added by Cory on June 17, 2009 at 4:19pm —
The Canada-America Society of Washington (CAS) is pleased to welcome you to a celebration in honour of Canada Day!
CAS offers many thanks to one of our most special members for offering up his beautiful backyard for this year's annual Canada Day Family Picnic! (You may even know him from street hockey...)
Come enjoy the fun for all with entertainment, activities for the kids, games, prizes and surprises!
We'll be playing badminton, lawn darts and have a "hockey…
Added by Andrei on June 16, 2009 at 9:00am —
1 Comment
Emailed this in response to CAN / USeh game but realize I'd only copied teammates. ...
Kelly and I are having a BBQ Sat after the game if anyone wants to swing by for brews around the fire. 7302 28th Ave. Ballard.
Added by Rainer on June 12, 2009 at 1:41pm —
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Hey, I've got to be up on Capital Hill Friday night for an event, so thought about watching Game 7 at Fox Sports Grill downtown (6th Ave between Pike and Pine). Starts at 5pm. I'm going to try to get there early (4:30 or so), so feel free to come on down.
Added by Steve W on June 11, 2009 at 5:40pm —
We're going to start a bit earlier today so we can get in plenty of hockey and then catch the full Stanley Cup game at 5.
Added by Sharif Tai on June 6, 2009 at 12:07pm —
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Just so everyone knows...I didn't fight, take a swing, or anything...they just had their eye on me. However, I am crushing everyone else.
Added by GG on June 5, 2009 at 1:30am —
Game is on Saturday 27 June at the Greenwood school. The normal place we play. Game time is NOON so we can BBQ. Come early to the school to help set up and start on time. Game will be a best of 7 series.
USA is blue jerseys. Canada is red.
AS OF TODAY USA ROSTER IS FULL, Sorry Olympia players.
BBQ to follow in Peto's backyard. Green house on corner of 81st & Linden. You can't miss it. With your $10 donation we'll provide burgers/hotdogs, beer and soda. If anyone would like to…
Added by Shnoy on June 4, 2009 at 3:00pm —