Can v. USA - come for the bbq - stay for the beer

From : the office of the commissioner
To : all 186 (!) members of, newbies and veterans

The 3rd annual Canada v. USA game is coming up this Saturday 6/27. This year, the event begins at noon with a somewhat serious best of 7 series pitting players USA against Canada and culminating at Petos (corner of Linden and 81st) for bbq and beers. BBQ is family friendly, so bring your lil' ones.

To keep the game flowing, we had to limit roster size this year (although if you're canadian, email me vpayette(atsign) We'll come up with a different format next year to get everyone involved in the game. That said, the game will revert to "sticks in the middle" after the best of 7 is over so there should be enough play time to go around later in the afternoon. BBQ will probably get going after 5:30 pm until Peto throws us out.

You are all invited you to play and/or watch the game and bbq with our crew. (Olympia guys, will you make it up to the city? You could also check out the big vintage car show next to our rink). We're asking everyone to contribute $10 to help pay for beers/dogs. Extra $$$ will go towards gear/boards etc. Click on the link on the top left side to donate or bring cash at the door.

Big thanks to Peto for hosting and Schneuer for organizing the event.

See ya Saturday,

Game on!

Views: 16


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Comment by ML on June 29, 2009 at 9:55pm
Adam, thanks much for showing up earlier than everyone else to sweep the rink, and then keeping score. Your bags of bread were awesome, too. Hope your knee is better soon!
Comment by Scott O on June 27, 2009 at 8:02pm
Sorry the Olympia crew couldn`t make it up today......looking forward to reading a recap blog on the game, though! Any July 4th game going on??
Comment by ML on June 26, 2009 at 6:28pm
So we can start the game at noon sharp, please show up by 11:30am to help set up.
Comment by Adam on June 25, 2009 at 4:46pm
Koh's got my $10
Comment by Cory on June 25, 2009 at 2:27pm
I donated $30

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