Game is on Saturday 27 June at the Greenwood school. The normal place we play. Game time is NOON so we can BBQ. Come early to the school to help set up and start on time. Game will be a best of 7 series.
USA is blue jerseys. Canada is red.
AS OF TODAY USA ROSTER IS FULL, Sorry Olympia players.
BBQ to follow in Peto's backyard. Green house on corner of 81st & Linden. You can't miss it. With your $10 donation we'll provide burgers/hotdogs, beer and soda. If anyone would like to bring a side of some kind to share, it would be much appreciated. Hope to see you there.

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Comment by ML on June 17, 2009 at 11:49am
Just a heads up, the Greenwood Auto Show is on the same day as our Can/USA game. Expect the whole neighbourhood to be a clusterfuck in terms of parking...there's supposed to be 20,000 spectators for the car show this year.
Comment by Shnoy on June 11, 2009 at 6:03pm
Anyone who kicked in their $10 early on got a spot unless you played last year and the year before. We have 21 people which is a lot. Perhaps game day some might no show. You're more than welcome to come out and come to the bbq.
Comment by ML on June 10, 2009 at 8:56pm
Gregg, are the wives doing scorekeeping again this year? And what about a ref?
Comment by Dan Strongin on June 7, 2009 at 8:17pm
Is there any room on the USA roster for a somewhat regular Seattle player? I was out of town this week (I'll be gone next week, too) but I will be there on the 20th (and 27th if there is space). I know I'm far from being a top player, but I'd like to play if there's space. - cheers, Dan
Comment by Adam on June 4, 2009 at 4:54pm
LET'S GO USA! Wish I could play for you, but at least I'll be there to cheer you on! And maybe heckle the kunadians.
I'll bring a shitload of bread to the bbq. And maybe some dipping oil. Someone should bring a lot of good cheese too. Ooh! I might make a gallon of my infamous margarita!

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