August 2010 Blog Posts (9)

tyhe street hockey

Is there a age range? also do u have to come every Saturday?
and does any one know where a league for teens is besides in bainbridge?

Added by Addison Heinzman on August 29, 2010 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

SSH Invades Bainbridge Island 9/11/10

Greetings SSHers,

Well, after a lot of talk and procrastination, I've finally gotten around to organizing a Seattle Street Hockey 'field trip'. Battle Point Park on Bainbridge Island has an outdoor hockey rink, complete with boards, that is available for use. I think it's about time we see what playing on a real outdoor rink is like, and maybe it will even energize our grassroots Seattle hockey rink… Continue

Added by Steve W on August 29, 2010 at 10:30am — 7 Comments

10 AM start on Saturday 8/28

There is some event going on at Adams in the afternoon. Last week, we talked about starting at 10 AM the space will be in use later and we won't be able to play. I'll be in goal. Who else is in?

Added by Sharif Tai on August 26, 2010 at 2:30pm — 7 Comments

Marchant SSH jersey

I think I left "my" Marchant SSH jersey there a couple of weeks back. Did someone pick it up? In Ireland this coming weekend but back the one following.

Added by Peto on August 23, 2010 at 4:45pm — No Comments

POLL: Is there interest in contiuing with the City of Seattle/Vacant Lots project?

This has been talked about on game days but we didn't post anything official after meeting with the City back in July. To make a long story short, any rink solution that we would get access to as part of the City's project would be temporary. The lots involved are currently vacant due to the economic downturn and other factors that have lead to the property owners not being able to go forward with constructions on their sites. But this will change, and when it does our rink…


Added by ML on August 18, 2010 at 4:33pm — 15 Comments

Where is the Goalie Gear?

I need a set of goalie gear for this Sunday. I checked the shed but only found the grey-colored, plastic covered leg pads.

Who has the group's gloves, blockers, shoulder pads, pants, etc? I'm hoping to pick up a set on Saturday when we play at Adams Elementary.

Please let me know.



Added by Rob Anthony on August 12, 2010 at 6:41pm — 1 Comment

BBQ - Sat. 21st

Bunch going golfing first but if anyone's interested after hockey.

Sat. Aug 21st. Margaritas at 5:30pm Food at 6:30. I have a toddler timeline to follow.
If you can make it jot me a quick email so I can plan out food a bit.

Lighting a fire later so a sweater is always handy. Kids = yes.
An extra chair or two might be put to use.

We’re at 7302 28th Ave. NW in Ballard.

Added by Rainer on August 12, 2010 at 11:17am — 1 Comment

8/14 Game, coming out of IR

Been way too long, so out of shape, can't wait to play again. Who's in?

Added by vp on August 12, 2010 at 8:44am — 9 Comments

New Idea? Black Ice Ball Hockey Rink Board System

Hi Everyone,

After talking to a some you about past dasher board experiments and how they fizzled out... The common theme for not using them were; storage space, bulk and set up. I did some research and found this system sold at Canadian Tire stores. Canadian Tire sells these for $129 Canadian which equals about the same US. I can get them for $70 US from the dealer S+H included!

If enough of us think it's a good idea to buy. We can have our own individual set to store…


Added by Bryan C. on August 10, 2010 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

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