June 2008 Blog Posts (9)

Saturday the 28th Game????

This was mentioned in a previous post, but, looks like this weekend (the 28th) Greenwood Ave. is going to be a mess, and getting to (if not playing at) St John's Church/Greenwood Elementary will be dicey...

For 15 years the Greenwood Classic Car and Rod Show has attracted more than 20,000 visitors to Greenwood Avenue every summer; please join us for the big 16th year on June 28, 2008. Seattle’s biggest showcase of cars across the Northwest, more than 500 cars will line the streets… Continue

Added by DAM on June 23, 2008 at 9:07pm — 17 Comments

USA v. Canada Recap 2008

Okay, I suppose the Canadian boys are just being polite and not rubbing it in so I'll wade in and take a stab.

(tongue planted firmly in cheek)

It was a beautiful June day and Team USA-- including several recruits from Olympia-- arrived early and industriously began setting up the rink. Boards, goals, and the new WhiteTrashGhetto netting were all set up and the anticipation was building. A strong showing of players were warming up, stretching, taking some shots on net as… Continue

Added by benny d on June 18, 2008 at 8:42pm — 11 Comments

Eye Protection

Are we lucky or what? In general, I think we're pretty conscious of our level of intensity, our desire of competitive fun, and our goal of no injuries with a minimal amount of physical contact. I think our level of play and physicality has increased these last several months. It's been great. A black eye here. Some broken ribs there. That's the way it goes.

I was looking over some old photos of the Las Vegas tourney and saw Werbicki wearing a visor. It got me thinking: how many close… Continue

Added by Adam on June 16, 2008 at 4:53pm — 10 Comments

NHL Awards - On tonight.

Heads up to everyone. The NHL awards are on tonight!!! I believe they are on CBC and will begin at 5:00pm eastern, or 8:00pm Pacific.



Added by GG on June 12, 2008 at 2:56pm — 5 Comments

Please verify: Tyee High School?!?!?!?!

Does anyone live close or frequent the area around Tyee high school?

I was told today that there is a street hockey rink with boards etc near or on its campus.

A little further than the jaunt to Greenlake, but thought I'd put it out there.


Added by GG on June 11, 2008 at 6:27pm — 10 Comments

Canada vs USA game and BBQ

Start time will be noon on Saturday. If we get rain, we'll head to St. Andrews as usual. I'll advise on Thursday what the situation will be. Remember to bring a folding chair if the BBQ is on. Don't forget the side dish for the BBQ and $10 if you haven't paid me yet for the other stuff (beer). I know who has paid. Not sure yet on how we'll run the game. Be on time to help set up and pick squads if needed. See ya there.

Added by Shnoy on June 10, 2008 at 7:11pm — 7 Comments

Where's Marshy?

Tons of rumors circulating but apparently he's back in Marquette, MI just in time for the skeeter season. Dude, if you're still reading this website, the US team needs ya on the first line. With no firepower up front, we'll have to mercy their ass all day. Think NJ-Tsunami, first blood in Vegas. What happened to you anyway? Ran out of bail money? Skipping out on a warrant? Anybody else want to speculate?

Added by vp on June 10, 2008 at 4:00pm — 6 Comments

Battle of Washington recap/pictures

First off, I want to thank the guys in Washington for coming up to our fair city and play. I hope this is a beginning of a friendly WA rivalry.

To the best of my recollections (many beers consumed since), we played 3 games against Olympia and the score was tight (especially in game 2 where the final score was 5-4) but ultimately Seattle Street Hockey prevailed. We counted 15 people on the bench on our side at some point! We just had too many weapons. With a full bench Olympia side,… Continue

Added by vp on June 5, 2008 at 1:26pm — 7 Comments

St. Andrews tonight?

Anyone watching the game at St. Andrews tonight?

Added by ML on June 2, 2008 at 12:26pm — No Comments

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