Okay, I suppose the Canadian boys are just being polite and not rubbing it in so I'll wade in and take a stab.

(tongue planted firmly in cheek)

It was a beautiful June day and Team USA-- including several recruits from Olympia-- arrived early and industriously began setting up the rink. Boards, goals, and the new WhiteTrashGhetto netting were all set up and the anticipation was building. A strong showing of players were warming up, stretching, taking some shots on net as the Canadian squad trickled in lazily setting up their lawn chairs and coolers.

Before the first "puck" was dropped the only controversy of the day unfolded. The hard working Americans had painstakingly tried to improve their chances by getting a ruling from the standing commissioner of SSH that secured the rights of any non-Canadian players for team USA (the first ever transfer agreement!), and also wooed Scott to represent the US side of his dual citizenship*. However the entrepreneurial spirit was thwarted by the entitlement mentality of the socialist Canadians who were visably concerened about the initial poor turnout for their squad and Czech defensman Andrew and blue-chip Scott defected to the red and white pot leaf.

In a fit of rage the Americans stormed out of the gate and shocked Team Canada with a 5-1 victory after spotting the first goal. This game stood like an entity unto itself. Canada quickly regrouped between games and established their superior mastery of hockey. They jumped out to a 3-0 lead in game two before USA tied it at 3. From that point on the rest of the day was all Canada. The scores were irrelevant as none of the remaining games were ever in doubt as our friends to the north handed it to Team USA.

Once again America was left head-scratching and dejected on the losing end of a 4 games to 1 thumping. Afterwards it was sticks in the middle and business as usual for a few games before heading off to the Peto residence for a dandy BBQ. Ron manned the grill slinging burgers and dogs, Gooch showed up with a keg, and Vinny and Peto bickered over who could build a fire (neither of them could by the way). Good times had by all down to the late night firewood run (no, 7-11 does Not sell firewood) and drunken pontificating around a crackling fire.

*for the record: from the moment I started trying to recruit Scott he stated he would play for whichever team provided the most playing time; which on this day was clearly Canada.

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Comment by ML on June 29, 2008 at 10:02pm
Sounds like a man-crush to me.
Comment by benny d on June 26, 2008 at 7:47pm
totally my bad for not thanking gregg-- schnoy-boy-- schneuer on a job well done. thanks gregg.

i also can't believe i forgot to mention chris koh's gift to vincente. in a gesture that bordered on the surreal, koh presented to vinny a "previously-owned" montreal canadiens sweatshirt. not only did it seem like like chris was awarding the captain of team canada in some convoluted trophy presentation, but the sweatshirt itself was unbelievable. white (except around the collar), with a 3/4 sleeve straight out of the mid 80s. payette-- a few drinks in him by this time-- was nearly speechless and stunned gawking at the thing before eventually commenting to the effect: "every time i think koh has achieved some level, he tops himself." he even tried it on-- what a riot. you oughta post a pic vinny.
Comment by ML on June 20, 2008 at 11:00pm
Following up on Peto's summary...

Best quote of the day: Bubbles, after Canada was victorious and explaining how Team USA had had no chance...looks down at his hands and says "I mean come on, I can't stop these things."
Comment by Brad Marsh on June 20, 2008 at 6:22pm
sweet article, felt like i was reading out of sports illustrated. u guys want some good competition come to marquette, michigan July 26th, saturday, a ONE day tournament. Teams range from 5-9 players, 4 on 4 with a goalie. Two 15 minute halves, most likely two game elmination tournament...
Comment by Peto on June 19, 2008 at 9:10pm
As a second comment:
- MVP: Scotty
- High scorer: Vic
- Honourable mentions: Bubbles (never seen him work that hard and be so defensively sound) and Andre (his usual wall)
Comment by Peto on June 19, 2008 at 9:09pm
Thanks to Linehan for bringing his usual mix of enthusiasm, humour, energy and hockey ineptness. I have missed the sight of a stick being held th wrong way around to get a ball out of the corner. Many of the players were of the second or third generation of SSH so it was good to have one of the true originals (on every level) back in town...See you soon clownboy.
Comment by vp on June 19, 2008 at 5:01pm
Impressive write up Benny! You may be underemployed...

Only thing missing is the big kudos to Gregg. He's the main force behind this annual event. Very smoothly run. United should put him in charge.

About the game, the score says it all. Lots of ink spilled about Czechgate. I checked his family tree and he's 0.00000001% canadian. Case close. And Scott, I mean, look at the dude... He's more canadian than me!

Keep recruiting USA. You were only 3 wins away from winning.

See you all Saturday.
Comment by Vic on June 19, 2008 at 1:25pm
Great job guys, the games had good intensity and were very competitive. I love having to take my play to another level just to keep up.
I felt that the games were a lot closer than the score showed. Andre played stellar in net for us, keeping us in every game.
We (CDN’s) just did a little better job at capitalizing on our opportunities.

I’d like to see this become a semi-annual event. Maybe a summer and winter classic.
Comment by ML on June 19, 2008 at 10:52am
Incidentally, Scott do you hold dual-citizenship? I seem to remember at the game you said you didn't and were a native Nova Scotian...
Comment by Adam on June 19, 2008 at 9:28am
Commie pinko bastards.

Congrats Canada on your team effort! Very well exectuted, even after the initial shock we gave you. USA definitely came on with strong intention, but we started to flounder after the second game - we just didn't play as smartly as we did in the first two. Canada regrouped and played very well as a team. The natural order.

I had a great time and played hard. I liked the feeling of intensity in the games - the fact that we had a competition, and that in a sense, there was something on the line to be played for. (I guess that was pride.) Mixing it up every weekend is fun, but it's kind of like playing poker without money.

Kudos to the Olympia guys for getting up here!

Thanks for hosting the party, Peto. It's all a blur!

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