January 2008 Blog Posts (25)

Saturday Night Poker

if anyone is interested my buddy is having a poker game at his house on saturday night. he lives just south of north seattle community college, which is immediately west of I-5 and south of northgate.

it's a cash game with a $20 buy-in and things usually get pretty rowdy.

if you're interested you can comment to this post or just let me know on saturday at hockey.

Added by benny d on January 31, 2008 at 5:27pm — 4 Comments


Listen up boys: The first ever street hockey tournament GAME I ever played in my team got dominated 18 to 2(actual score). I was in net (first mistake), and was 16 at the time playing in an 18 and over tournament in Michigan. After the game my older brother and the rest of our team went back to our campground campsite and got hammered, haha. We ended up going 0-4 in the tournament and it was like we got hit by a TSUNAMI or something, hahaha, j/k. It was also the greatest time of our… Continue

Added by Brad Marsh on January 30, 2008 at 2:19am — 10 Comments

Fencing materials - rope info

I overheard someone talking about needing a lot of nylon rope for a 'boards' project. FYI, here's what I've already researched:

Single (or solid) braided nylon - cheaper, and easily slides against itself, or hooks, etc. - this is probably what you want to buy.

Double-braided nylon - more expensive, looks like a 'typical' corded rope, great for sustaining shock loads - I don't think we need this.

Pricing if you buy a spool/reel of 1/4" (approx. cost/ft, not including…


Added by Adam on January 29, 2008 at 6:13pm — 8 Comments

Many thanks to Onlineshoes.com and Geoff "The Boss" Werbicki

I just wanted to thank our sponsor, Onlineshoes.com, for the shoes, the work done by The Boss, and Bill Litwin for bringing the shoes to the masses. It's very much appreciated, and everyone seemed pretty happy to be getting a new pair of kicks.

Also. Geoff's nickname was either "GuitarBoy" or "The Boss" for his very daring and spectacular comp photos he has that are very reminiscent of THE one and only Bruce Springsteen.

Added by GG on January 28, 2008 at 8:34am — No Comments

Wet and cold games yesterday, but good.

What started out as a small showing of players turned out to be an excellent turnout, albeit a bit later than the proposed 2pm start-time. Benny came early to test some new board action, which didn't exactly work out yet, but I can speak for all of us when I say the ongoing work of Adam, and now Ben, is greatly appreciated. We need boards!

An afternoon filled with 5-on-5 action, with a few subs per team, was a good surprise considering the near-freezing rain. Some new faces again this…


Added by ML on January 27, 2008 at 7:01pm — 3 Comments

Sunday 1/27 - small game anyone?

Anyone up for getting together today, for a little 2-on-2, or keep-away, or just to pass around for a little bit? Same time and place as Saturday, but for less time. Comment if you're in, or give me a buzz: 323-9344.

My shiner's WEAK!

Added by Adam on January 27, 2008 at 10:45am — 4 Comments

D-Gel equipment order. Need one more person.

I am ordering some ball hockey equipment from D-Gel through some rep in Vancouver for Andrei and I. He said our order was too small for D-Gel to ship to us, and asked that I up the order a bit.

What I plan on ordering are the hard shin pads and padded shorts, and POSSIBLY the gloves but they seem a bit steep at $75.00.

I believe the shins are 49.00 and the padded shorts are 35 plus shipping.

I'm not too interested in making a massive order, so am looking for just one… Continue

Added by GG on January 25, 2008 at 4:25pm — 4 Comments

1/26 Game on - stick/equipment service discontinued

After years of soaking my lezbaru with hockey smell and narrowly avoiding divorce when I brought 2 duffel bags full of nasty soggy gear in the basement to dry last week, I'm calling it quits on carrying/storing the gear. You all have your own stick nowadays anyway and goalies are bringing their own gears so it doesn't seem necessary anymore.

Great turnout last week. Let's have the same in better weather this week.

Meet you all at 2pm on Saturday at Greenwood elementary or…


Added by vp on January 25, 2008 at 3:07pm — 7 Comments

Tsunami logo items added

I added the Tsunami logo onto some items at our SSH cafepress store. Check 'em out!


Added by ML on January 25, 2008 at 10:35am — 2 Comments

On the Mend!

My knee is looking and feeling real good now. I should be up for hockey this Saturday. With luck, I'll be biking before the end of the week.

I've been able to keep up on my sit ups and pushups. I've also been practicing my stick handling and visualization drills. Tonight, I did a whole series of running drills - backpedals, sidesteps, and a bunch of stop/start explosive runs. Real short shit, but stuff that's puts strains on knees. I feel sore, but no tweaked pain. In fact, after I…


Added by Adam on January 22, 2008 at 10:53pm — 1 Comment

THE boards solution

Border patrol boards

Any of you early Microsoft employee or hedge funds managers?

Added by vp on January 22, 2008 at 6:55pm — 3 Comments

01/19 - Fantastic Game Today

In spite of the weather, I thought the games were fantastic today. Andrei played wicked in net, Brad put on a show...and everyone was busting their asses. I haven't been to all of the games over the years, but I think this was one of the fastest paced and best games I've been out to. I think that's saying something considering the small flood we had out there.

The new guys are decent, and the newer guys are improving a bunch.

I also wanted to put it on record that Schneuer… Continue

Added by GG on January 19, 2008 at 9:53pm — 2 Comments

1/19 Back to regular 2pm game

Couple new faces last week. Hope to see you all again this week. Seahawks got thrashed out of the playoffs so we're back to our regular 2pm game. Post game drinkup at St.Andrews as usual.

2pm at Greenwood Elementary. Reply in the comments if you're in.

One of these days, we'll fix those fences...

Added by vp on January 17, 2008 at 8:02pm — 2 Comments

Sunday Flag Football

A buddy of mine put together a touch football team (through Underdog Sports) that plays late Sunday afternoons/evenings. Our team could use a few subs. Email me if you're interested: jculter@hotmail.com.

We play at Juanita Highschool in Kirkland.



Added by Judson on January 13, 2008 at 10:37pm — No Comments

FREE Fantasy Hockey League


1: Go to www.sportingnews.com
2: Click on Free Membership and create an account
3: Go to NHL Fantasy and find "Fantasy Hockey Challenge: Season 2." Click on it.
4: Click on "Get your free team now." Type in your team name.
5: After you have your team click on "Join Existing League."
6: Find the league Seattle Tsunami, click on it and type in the password: seattle.
7: Your done! Pick your team before January 29th when the season starts.

Added by Brad Marsh on January 11, 2008 at 8:04am — 2 Comments

Ovechkin gets the fattest deal in NHL history

13 years, 124 million. And I thought NYI signing DiPietro for 10 years was boneheaded.


Added by ML on January 10, 2008 at 6:23pm — 1 Comment

1/12 early hockey game : Start time 11 am

Same as last week, we'll play at 11am so we can watch the Hawks beat GB at 1:30pm in HD at St.Andrews.

Leave comments if you're attending.

Game on!

Added by vp on January 10, 2008 at 10:50am — 9 Comments

Should we consider renting out gym time before Vegas?

I've talked to several community centers in Seattle (through Parks Dept.) to get information about availability and pricing to play some indoor hockey. The centers do allow us to play ball hockey. I also limited my search to bigger gyms (Greenlake's for example is too bloody small I think) and location. With winter basketball starting up, times are pretty much limited to Sunday mornings or nights. Reservations placed several days in advance (minimum) are highly recommended. Here's some info…


Added by Adam on January 9, 2008 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Greenlake Boathouse Training and Saturday Hockey STart Time??

I got an email from Greg for some training Thursday night at the Green lake boat house. Once I find out where it is I"m there! And also I'm wondering what time we'll be playing this Saturday boys??? That Seahawk's game is going on but you can play hockey and listen to the game on the radio at the same time...I hope.

Added by Brad Marsh on January 9, 2008 at 5:57pm — 4 Comments

Jersey design

Here's what I'm thinking for the numbers and Onlineshoes.com on the back. Thoughts?

Added by gw on January 9, 2008 at 1:10pm — 16 Comments

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