Should we consider renting out gym time before Vegas?

I've talked to several community centers in Seattle (through Parks Dept.) to get information about availability and pricing to play some indoor hockey. The centers do allow us to play ball hockey. I also limited my search to bigger gyms (Greenlake's for example is too bloody small I think) and location. With winter basketball starting up, times are pretty much limited to Sunday mornings or nights. Reservations placed several days in advance (minimum) are highly recommended. Here's some info for y'all to make an educated decision:

Loyal Heights (384-4052)

one time booking fee: $15

rental rate: $45/hr

staffing fee: $17/hr + 1 additional hour of staffing (for opening and closing the gym facilities)

Example: 2 hours of gym time = $15 + (2 x $45) + (3 x $17) = $156

Northgate (386-4283)

one time booking fee: $15

rental rate: $35/hr

staffing fee: $17/hr + 1 additional hour of staffing (for opening and closing the gym facilities)

refundable deposit: $500!!! (for damages - refund may take up to 2 weeks to be applied back to credit card) - this place is spankin' new and you can tell

Delridge (684-7423)

one time booking fee: $15

rental rate: $35/hr

staffing fee: $17/hr + 1 additional hour of staffing (for opening and closing the gym facilities)

Example: 2 hours of gym time = $15 + (2 x $35) + (3 x $17) = $136

Rainier Community Center still has to get back to me. There's more facilities to check out if you like, visit Seattle Parks Department for others and be sure to check gym size.

Views: 12


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Comment by Brad Marsh on January 10, 2008 at 9:42am
ooo FENCED in tennis court would be prime!
Comment by Shnoy on January 10, 2008 at 7:16am
Adam, you beat me to the punch. This is the same info I came across. With the pricing it would require a good turnout. Many of the gyms are booked weekday evenings for kids b-ball such as West Seattle. I also looked at Magnasun Park's old hangers. They also require fees plus an insurance policy! Another option would be to reserve a lighted fenced in tennis court (no fee). I'm calling about that today.
Comment by Brad Marsh on January 9, 2008 at 7:04pm
theres a sweet place to play right by my apartment on the corner of 40th and latona i think it is.

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