Listen up boys: The first ever street hockey tournament GAME I ever played in my team got dominated 18 to 2(actual score). I was in net (first mistake), and was 16 at the time playing in an 18 and over tournament in Michigan. After the game my older brother and the rest of our team went back to our campground campsite and got hammered, haha. We ended up going 0-4 in the tournament and it was like we got hit by a TSUNAMI or something, hahaha, j/k. It was also the greatest time of our lives!

Bottom line is I've played in 6 street hockey tournaments (won 4 of them) and whether we won or lost it was a great time no matter what! This tournament in Vegas is by far, will be the biggest one of them all. 7 teams from Canada, and 15 other teams that are probably gonna be just as good. Who cares, I say boys, lets go out there and give it all we got! And have fun while we're doing it!

Some of these teams are gonna come at us with set plays, set lines, and prior tournament experience. I say the only set play(s) that we have has got to be "dump and chase." This means you get past the middle Red Line, dump the ball into the opponents zone, and run after it like the Police dogs are chasing you! If we sit there and try and stick handle through these teams like I try and do all day we're gonna get smoked. We're playing on a different size court, with boards, offsides, and a whole different atmosphere all together. I'll tell yah right now I'm a little nervous just thinking about it. But thats a good thing, it's human nature to feel a little nervous. Once that puck(ball) is dropped that nervousness has got to turn into intensity and we gotta storm these fuckers like we're playing for a Stanley Cup!

Now, heres some suggestions to improve our team starting w/ me:

Brad Marsh: back check harder, don't puck hog as much, haha. Cut down on the drinking prior to gametime.
Benny D.- I like you on Offense or Defense. If you're gonna be playing offense in this tourney I wanna see you playing like you have been the last two weeks, battling it out in the corners and keep up your confidence w/ your scoring ability!
Vinny: Looked good last week! You play better when you're not worried about what type of ball we're using or how the boards look and what not. What I'm saying is just keep focused on the game and block out everything else that's on your mind. That's why we play the game we love in the first place right? But yah man, you got fucking heart and I'm glad I'm playing alongside ya.
Greg:You gotta lotta heart too man. One thing I noticed is that you struggle in the corners. Try and not worry about the guy coming in on you and move the ball as quick and smartly as possible. One pointer I'd say is use your body to shield yourself in between the opponent and the ball(Saliba does this best!).
ADAM: I reallly like your gritty play out there man. I would put you on 1st line penalty kill if I were coach(is there penalties in this tourney or just penalty shots????). Keep up the good work and keep working on your offense. You've definitely come a long way in that department!
KOH: I like the way you play DEFENSE. We'll see how the officiating is after the first game, until than keep playing the way you do man!
LASTLY: OUR GOALTENDER: Listen here boys, our goalie is the most important player on the team! I don't know about you guys but I've played the position before and it's pretty fucking nerve-racking. We know our goalie will get us the first save(sorry i dont remember ur name, wanna say dan), we've seen that out of him. In Vegas we gotta do w/ever we can to clear rebounds out, not let guys in the slot, and also try and block a lot of shots. Keep up the good work goalie, and really work on your rebound control up until the tourney!

All - righty that is all I got for now, everybody keep up the good work and keep HEALTHY! Peace boys,, Marshy. If you agree or disagree w/ anything I've said let me know bitches, and also know that i'm glad to be apart of this team and this is the best thing thats happened for me since I've recently moved to Seattle in late October!

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Comment by SoCal TC on February 3, 2008 at 1:43am
For those heading to the Vegas event.....this was just sent out to all captains......GOOD LUCK.....and let me know if I can help with anything in preparation for the event!


Greetings All,

I've been working closely with Dan Corsatea of Las Vegas Roller Hockey the last 24+ hours and we've nailed down a schedule that will meet the needs of all involved. Dan has been gracious enough to re-work the schedule conflicting on his end so that our revised schedule will encounter no problems. I thank you all for being patient, and thank Dan for working with us to find a solution to the scheduling conflicts.

Things you must know.......

** Schedule - Attached and at the bottom of this email you will find a copy of the official schedule for the event. PLEASE RESPOND TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE SCHEDULE AND THAT YOUR TEAM WILL BE READY TO GO.

** Required Documents - Attached you will find copies of the team roster and individual player waiver. These forms will need to be completely filled out and submitted to the scorer's table prior to each team's first game. No player shall be allowed to participate until such time as they have signed the team's roster and submitted an individual player waiver.

** General Information - Attached you will find a brief overview of the event (general rules and so forth). Please familiarize yourself with this information so that you will be prepared prior to the start of the event. You will also find all contact information for for the rink in this document.

** Cell Phone - My cell number is 562-233-8969. You will need this in case of emergency. It will also be your responsibility to make sure that your team is aware of all game times (pool play and playoffs).

** Start Times - Games may start as early as 1-hour ahead of time (exception = first two games each day). Please make sure that your teams are prepared.

1. Fighting will result in an automatic ejection from the event.
2. Abuse of officials or staff may result in automatic ejection from the event.
3. Any penalty deemed to have been committed with an "intent to injure" will result in an automatic ejection from the event, as well as future events hosted by SoCal Street Hockey, Inc. and its affiliates for a minimum of 13 months. In addition, SoCal Street Hockey, Inc. will petition the American Street Hockey Institute, USA Ball Hockey (Cool Hockey Events), Canadian Ball Hockey Association and the Ontario Ball Hockey League to honor that suspension and prohibit the offending player from participating in any sanctioned events hosted by the above referenced organizations for the same 13 month period.

** T-Shirts/Apparel - We have contracted with Fine Designs, Inc. to host a vending booth on both Saturday and Sunday of the event. Fine Designs, Inc. will be offering to those interested tournament apparel for sale. In addition to the tournament logo, all apparel can be personalized with player/team names/information. Please feel free to visit the booth while at the event.

I'll be touching base with those of you who have not contacted me with your cell phone/hotel information (needed in the event of an emergency). Based upon the teams entered in this year's event, we are expecting another fantastic tournament. Hey, it's VEGAS........with a little ball/street hockey thrown in to top off the weekend.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have heading into the event.

Have a safe trip and we'll see you in Vegas next weekend.

Warmest regards,

Terry Cox
SoCal Street Hockey, Inc.
Southern California Youth Roller Hockey Organization

8:00 AM Delta Jaguars v Mark's Last Stand
8:40 AM Southeast Housecats v Oakland Seals
9:20 AM Tampa Bay Vipers v Calgary Outlaws
10:00 AM Calgary Wolves v Calgary Canadians
10:40 AM SoCal Express v Mark's Last Stand
11:20 AM Delta Jaguars v Southeast Housecats
12:00 PM Oakland Seals v San Diego Surf
12:40 PM New Jersey Knights v Seattle Tsunami
1:20 PM Calgary Outlaws v Calgary Canadians
2:00 PM CBHL Stars v DC DeathRow
2:40 PM B.A.S.H. v Aston Sparks
3:20 PM New Jersey Knights v San Diego Surf
4:00 PM Calgary Ryders v Seattle Tsunami
4:40 PM Withrow Park Knights v Tampa Bay Vipers
5:20 PM B.A.S.H. v CBHL Stars
6:00 PM Aston Sparks v DC DeathRow
6:40 PM SoCal Chiefs v Calgary Ryders
7:20 PM Tampa Bay Vipers v SoCal Express
8:00 PM Rec - Wildfires v Lounge Lizards
8:40 PM Rec - SoCal Misfits v CanAm Connection
9:20 PM Rec - Whalers v Cox Commercial, Inc.
10:00 PM SoCal Chiefs v Flinstones
10:40 PM Rec - Lounge Lizards v Whalers
11:20 PM Rec - CanAm Connection - Wildfires
12:00 AM Rec - Cox Commercial, Inc. v SoCal Misfits

7:00 AM Who Dat? v Oakland Seals
7:40 AM Withrow Park Knights v Red Dragons
8:20 AM San Diego Surf v Southeast Housecats
9:00 AM Delta Jaguars v SoCal Express
9:40 AM Who Dat? V CBHL Stars
10:20 AM Calgary Canadians v Red Dragons
11:00 AM Aston Sparks v Withrow Park Knights
11:40 AM Flinstones v Calgary Outlaws
12:20 PM Calgary Ryders v Who Dat?
1:00 PM Red Dragons v Calgary Wolves
1:40 PM DC DeathRow v New Jersey Knights
2:20 PM B.A.S.H. v Mark's Last Stand
3:00 PM SoCal Chiefs v Seattle Tsunami
3:40 PM Calgary Wolves v Flinstones
4:20 PM Rec Quarters # 3 Seed v # 6 Seed
5:00 PM Rec Quarters # 4 Seed v # 5 Seed
5:40 PM B4-Quarters # 1 v # 8
6:20 PM B3-Quarters # 2 v # 7
7:00 PM B2-Quarters # 3 v # 6
7:40 PM B1-Quarters # 4 v # 5
8:20 PM Rec Semis # 1 Seed v Low Seed
9:00 PM Rec Semis # 2 Seed v High Seed
9:40 PM C-Quarters # 3 v # 6
10:20 PM C-Quarters # 4 v # 5
11:00 PM Rec Finals

7:00 AM A1-Quarters # 1 v # 8
7:50 AM A2-Quarters # 2 v # 7
8:40 AM A3-Quarters # 3 v # 6
9:30 AM A4-Quarters # 4 v # 5
10:20 AM B-Semis Winner B2 v Winner B3
11:10 AM B-Semis Winner B1 v Winner B4
12:00 PM A-Semis Winner A1 v Winner A4
12:50 PM A-Semis Winner A2 v Winner B3
1:40 PM C-Semis # 1 v Low Seed
2:30 PM C-Semis # 2 v High Seed
3:20 PM B-Finals
4:10 PM A-Finals
5:00 PM C-Finals
Comment by Brad Marsh on February 2, 2008 at 9:37am
Wow, that guys awesome. Thanks for the information man. There's gonna be a crazy amount of running going on out there haha. The biggest surface I played on for street hockey was a half of a rink, the tournament director just put a wall on the red line and it was still brutal.
Comment by GG on February 2, 2008 at 8:44am
I think thats some nice info to have. Thanks Terry.

Either way we're going to have a blast, and look DAMN pretty.
Comment by benny d on February 2, 2008 at 8:44am
WOW, thanks terry. sounds like we're in for quite a learning experience. i appreciate all the advice and history.

looking forward to meeting you next week.

benny d
Comment by SoCal TC on February 2, 2008 at 1:46am
Greetings Gentlemen,

I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself AND she a little light on the tournament.

First and foremost, my name is Terry......I run SoCal Street Hockey, Inc. and will be your host for the Vegas event.

History - In 2001, our league had essentially folded. In my infinite wisdom, I formed SoCal Street Hockey in September of that year to bring the league back to life here in OC/LA, California. As my wife would say, not the best decision I ever made in terms of maintaining health & sanity, but a decision I only regret when collecting fees (all fees go towards league expenses), dealing with schedules/standings/stats, dealing with the City to keep our lease, dealing with people yelling about our officials........well, ok, I regret it most of the time......LOL. Just kidding.

In early 2004, I was contacted by Jamie Cooke (founder of in an effort to lure a west coast team to the Street Hockey USA National Championships to truly legitimize the "National" status. This is a "for profit" event for the organizer, but Jamie Cooke did not receive a dime for recruiting,,,,,,he just wanted to see the sport grow, We (SoCal Street Hockey) participated in this event in April of that year sending 1 "D Division" team and two stacked "Novice Division" teams (Novice will be equivalent to the C & lower B teams in Vegas). I have to say, we were hooked from the start and league play has never been the same.

Late in 2005, I came up with a plan to provide an event that west coast teams could participate in.....players of all skils levels. The intent was to promote west coast ball/street hockey and bring the west coast leagues together. That first year (2006) we had 8 total teams.......Tampa Vipers, Bash & Oakland Seals (then BASH 2….both out of San Francisco), a pickup roller team from Vegas and 4 teams from our league. Now? We are turning away teams and will be forced to expand to two separate weekends in 2009 (different divisions). During that span the event has achieved international recognition (ISBHF), we've had two west coast women participate on the Women's US National Ball Hockey Team in the ISBHF World Championships in Germany this past June, have gotten national attention that has forced the status quo to recognize west coast ball/street hockey politically.......we've pulled San Francisco and San Diego into the addiction of tournament hockey, and now hope to lure you as well.

Future - real quick bit.......I hope to talk to Kevin during the Vegas event to talk about future events including a west coast-based travel team, future tournaments and bringing Seattle Street Hockey into the mix re: the National scene (all coming in 2008). In the meantime, the focus is on Vegas.

Expectations - I'll be blunt......HAVE NONE. Every team in the event will have extensive league experience, and at least some tournament experience. There may be a few rookies, but they'll be on squads with seasoned vets. To make matters worse, this is an open division event that will see some exceptional teams (B-level in Canada....... and a few "National Team" players from the US). Needless to say, you will be facing a few VERY good teams during pool play. That's the downside........

The are NOT "expected" to compete for an A Division Championship. That does not mean you "can't" compete.....just means that you are not “expected” to compete for the top prize. That works in your expectations......nothing to lose......go out and have fun. That happened to us our first time in Nationals (we currently play at the North American Championships over Nationals).......we were actually seeded last in both the D & Novice Divisions (last 2 seeds in Novice). We took 3rd in D and finished 1 & 3 in Novice (only because our teams faced off in the semis). That's why you should have no expectations......ANYTHING can happen in a tournament.

In addition, this is an Open Division for re-seeding purposes ONLY. Rather than have A, B & C Divisions from the start with teams lying about their caliber of play so they can bump down a level, this is an Open Division that allows everyone to place themselves in like-skilled playoff pools thru pool play.

That said, you could light it up and do exceptionally well to end up in the A Pool Playoffs........or, you can struggle and wind up in the B or C Playoffs. The only thing you can control is your efforts during pool'll end up where you belong one way or another come playoff time......the key is to get stronger/more comfortable during pool play (finding forward and defense combinations that work best together) so that you are firing on all cylinders come the playoffs. Case in point.....our SoCal Express team got shelled during pool play last year, but lost in the semis of the B Playoffs (only A & B last year) in a shootout after a scoreless overtime. Pool play didn't matter (nor the three winless tournaments before that) was the fact that they finally found their comfortable stride come playoff time.

One last thing to remember......good teams lose and bad teams win.....that's the nature of sport. All you can control is the effort. I guarantee that regardless of how well you may or may not do in Vegas, you will be stronger in the end.....and will be even more successful in future tournaments. I've personally participated on 16 street/ball hockey tournaments since 2001 (NHL Breakout).......I've had two 1st place, one second place and one 3rd place finish......with most of the other teams on the tail end of a serious butt-whipping (I still keep playing). are at a disadvantage with this being your first real tournament. Don't stress......enjoy the moment as there is nothing like it. Play your hearts out and let the Hockey Gods decide the rest.

Advice – Some tips to keep in mind….

** Looking at the roster you seem to have 11 forwards. Easiest way to maintain lines would be to have 3 centers and 4 sets of wings. If it is 10 forwards, move someone back and setup a 7-man defensive rotation (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/1, 2/3, 4/5, 6/7……etc).

** You’ll want at least one person with speed on each set of wings to allow you to break out of the zone.

** Offense will start in the defensive zone…..forwards have to cycle to create passing lanes and the “D” needs to be able to hit the breakout pass. It is all about the passing game.

** Defensively…..teams with the most skill/experience will look to cycle in order to hit the pass to the top of the slot or the wing crashing the weak side of the net. An attack triangle cycling to create those shots……rarely will you have a guy try to stick handle through the world to take a shot…..ALL passing with the skill teams. You’ll also get the wings cycling back to the point area with the defenseman then crashing down. Deception…..everything to get you focused on watching the ball and NOT the guy sneaking in behind you. Simple rule…..focus on the man you are defending regardless of whether you have the ball or not (I still have problems with that from time to time)…..if you get beat, call for help and look for someone else to defend against.

** Shifts should be no longer than 45-60 seconds as you will be running your tails off (don’t be afraid to ice it if you need the break….better than getting caught out there too long).

** Next line on should be closest to the door (line coming off the rink cycles to back of line),

** Remember that it is a running clock until the last two minutes of a game (exception: 2 or less goal differential in last two minutes of the game). Get a lead…….milk the clock (i.e. frequent & slower line changes after the whistle).

** Expect a lot of body contact……..”clean physical”….on the boards and in front of the net. I personally try to become a backpack when defending against the guy with the ball.

** Remember… are in VEGAS, and looking to get a little ball/street hockey in while you’re at it. Winning a Championship is the icing on an already delicious cake (Vegas).

Please feel free to hit me up with any questions you may have heading into next weekend’s event.

The very best of luck, Gentlemen…..I look forward to meeting you all next week!


Warmest regards,

Comment by vp on February 1, 2008 at 1:28pm
Look at you Marsh, all fired up!
Comment by benny d on January 31, 2008 at 5:22pm
marshy's on fire!

love the spirit bro-- when i thought about lines i was trying to get a mix of grit, hustle and skill on each line and they came out something like this:


saliba--tyler--geoff w
bill--dave--brad (or double-shift hot hand)

on D

greg o -- bubbles
vinny -- gregg s
andrei -- koh

but i'm fine with the idea of having a que and when someone's tired they run off and the next guy goes in-- we've all played together at some point so it should be fine. the key is to keep people fresh and i think that's more important than getting a set "line" in, especially since it's not like we've been practicing together and have set plays or anything.

wouldn't hurt to practice a little 5-on-4 this weekend though IMO. PP and PK could be pretty important.

my 0.02
Comment by Brad Marsh on January 31, 2008 at 2:07pm
i like the idea of defined lines also, who's line am i on again i think i'm w/ peto and some1 else?? you should print off the lines or somethin. what does everybody else think about the line combinations???? i think we go w/ the combos we got now and if we like'em keep 'em, otherwise switch'em up after the first game.
Comment by Adam on January 30, 2008 at 1:04pm
Great comments Brad. I just re-read the Vegas rules. One biggee: CENTER LINE OFFSIDES. We'll have to watch that!
Comment by GG on January 30, 2008 at 10:33am
I think all of us are pumped to get going, and no doubt we have to shore up on D to make sure we don't leave Dan twisting in the wind.

I think one of the biggest points with the largest rink, is the fact that we can pass the ball faster than we can run, so we have to make sure that we make crisp, sharp, passes.

I've noticed Brad does a good job assessing who is checking him, or angling him off before he chooses to dangle. Once guys started to check him harder he chose to let a quick pass off and cut to an open area. Pretty smart, and not a one dimensional offensive rusher.

I personally would like to see us work, or talk about a couple plays, using the cycle...and I still like the idea of defined lines, if at all possible.

Either way, we are going to have a blast...and I am stoked for next week!

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