April 2009 Blog Posts (15)

Roller Hockey Spokane

Anybody heard about any roller games going on in spokane?

Added by Patrick Glass on April 29, 2009 at 7:53pm — No Comments

Jersey colours - get it right

Just a reminder to some of the new folks who have been coming out to our games Saturdays with insufficient jerseys. You need to bring both a white shirt and a dark shirt. Dark blue, dark red, black, dark brown...something dark. Light-grey tshirts are neither white nor dark and are confusing to everyone, especially when worn over a longsleeve white tshirt.

Also a note for those new/new-ish players hoping to play in the Canada/USA game this June. Canada wears Red, USA… Continue

Added by ML on April 29, 2009 at 11:29am — 5 Comments

Canada vs America 2009

Many of us wanted this discussion to begin ASAP after numerous discussions from the past and during recent Saturday games.

Because of the results of the last two CanAM games USA needs to change the way we have been doing business in order to win against "Canada/World" team.

It is important for anyone who has played in the past 2 games to post their opinions about the future of these events as well as players who plan on playing this year.

Questions For… Continue

Added by Ron Niemi on April 20, 2009 at 11:04am — 22 Comments


hey guys got adams video up finallly! i got wings over bruins in 6 games for the finals! i picked ducks over anaheim but my capitals over rangers is fuckin me. i'm outtt peace.

Added by Brad Marsh on April 20, 2009 at 12:26am — 3 Comments

Canada-America Society of Washington -- Business Card Exchange on May 14, 2009

Hi All,

First off, I hope to be playing hockey again soon -- my self-imposed "break" is coming to an end.

With that out of the way, I wanted to get the word out that the Canada-America Society is having a business card exchange networking event on Thursday, May 14 at 5pm. It will be held at the Terrace Garden Restaurant, 5th Floor, Red Lion Hotel in downtown Seattle. This event is a great way to meet over happy hour with other Canadians and Americans living and working… Continue

Added by Andrei on April 16, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

2009 Playoff pool - Bragging thread

Here's the file you need to edit with your picks NHL_2009.xls

--- From Rainer ---

Anyone interested in a playoff bracket pool fill this out, save it and send back to me. I need $20 per entry, cash in hand or mail it, if you gotta use paypal (rainer_germann@yahoo.com) make it $22(they charge). Playoffs start on Weds, the 15th. I need entries back by 2pm Pacific Weds. I'll forward all… Continue

Added by vp on April 13, 2009 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

First round of the playoffs.

The first round of the playoffs looks sick this year!!!!

Boston vs. Montreal
Pitt. vs. Philly
Chicago vs. Calgary

Just a few of the games I'm going to want to watch, so let's make sure we know when and where people will be meeting.

That Bruins/Habs series is going to be a gong show.

Added by GG on April 12, 2009 at 8:18am — 8 Comments

25 year anniversary of Canadiens/Nordiques "Good Friday" brawl

This goes back a few years, but some of you (Vinnie?) have surely heard of it, or remember it. You can see Chelios right in the fray, which reminds me how amazing it is he's still in the league.

YouTube video

French Version of… Continue

Added by ML on April 10, 2009 at 8:44am — No Comments

2009 Sunshine Shoot-Out

Greetings to the Greater Ball Hockey Community,

I’d like to take a moment to invite you (teams/players) to the 2009 Sunshine Shootout Street Hockey Tournament to be hosted on the weekend of June 26th – 28th in Tampa Bay, FL. The Sunshine Shootout is an annual event that brings teams from across North America together for a top quality ball hockey event at one of the prime vacation destinations in the United States. With top tier ball hockey in four competitive divisions, warm… Continue

Added by Matthew Garry on April 9, 2009 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

09 Stanley Cup Playoffs


I'll get out a final sheet with final standings in a few days but as a heads up this is what it looks like with standings at this point. $20 bucks. I'll repost here or send me an email and I'll get it to you. Turnaround from final standings to 1st game is pretty quick so you need to be on the ball. email rainer_germann@yahoo.com

Added by Rainer on April 7, 2009 at 8:32pm — 4 Comments


It's official. We're having the game on SAT. JUNE 27. BBQ to follow at Peto home. More info to come. Hope everyone can make it. Please contribute $10 if you plan to attend.

Added by Shnoy on April 7, 2009 at 7:31pm — 5 Comments

Lost and found : lefty easton stick

Anybody pick up my stick on Saturday? Blue Easton shaft with new lefty gray Forsberg blade. Would like to avoid dropping another $50 on a stick. Add a line in comments if you have… Continue

Added by vp on April 7, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

3rd annual Canada vs US game/BBQ!

Time to start getting organized for the 3rd annual game. I'm looking at Sat Jun 13 in SEATTLE. This year I will need some help in putting it together. With a few people, we could split up the duties of picking up the food and beer.

I'm asking everyone who is planning on attending to kick in $10 (includes whole family) for the event. The $10 includes burgers/dogs, beer(s) and soda. PLEASE! Give me or Vinny $10 cash in an envelope and write you name on it. Or, make a donation to Paypal on… Continue

Added by Shnoy on April 4, 2009 at 10:29am — 7 Comments

Game 4/4/2009

I'm back in action this week. I'll prolly be slow as molasse so that's your chance to undress me on a breakaway. It even looks like the weather will finally break. (Partly sunny is the forecast, whatever that means)

Drop a comment if you'll be joining so we can gauge turnout. Goalies?

Added by vp on April 2, 2009 at 11:17am — 11 Comments

Up coming Canada vs USA game!

3rd annual game is coming soon.

I want to take a vote on having this year's game (1st weekend of June) at the outdoor rink in Ladner, BC (Not far from border).

voting closes midnight saturday. Any vote after midnight won't be included. VOTE/Comment to this blog WITH A YAY or NAY, NOTHING ELSE!

This way we can keep track of who voted and get an accurate count.

We'll also have to make sure we get enough American players for this to happen.

After game we'll be BBQ or… Continue

Added by Shnoy on April 1, 2009 at 10:07am — 14 Comments

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