2009 Playoff pool - Bragging thread

Here's the file you need to edit with your picks NHL_2009.xls

--- From Rainer ---
Anyone interested in a playoff bracket pool fill this out, save it and send back to me. I need $20 per entry, cash in hand or mail it, if you gotta use paypal (rainer_germann@yahoo.com) make it $22(they charge). Playoffs start on Weds, the 15th. I need entries back by 2pm Pacific Weds. I'll forward all entries and a scoring sheet when I've gotten all entries together.

Winner gets the pot less:
2nd gets a practice jersey of the cup champ. I'll buy and distribute from pot.
Good luck.

Some fine print...
Get a name on the spreadsheet so I know where I get an entry from. Feel free to share this, but since it's a pretty manual effort I want to know who they are or where they got it. Life's to busy to play collection agency.

Views: 7


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Comment by Rainer on April 15, 2009 at 1:52pm
Patty, you files not uploaded.
Comment by vp on April 14, 2009 at 11:01am
Use rainer_germann@yahoo.com if you want to paypal your bet.

Boston.. pfffft
Comment by ML on April 13, 2009 at 8:04pm
Mike_Laing_NHL_2009.xlsAs much as I'd love to see Vancouver go all the way, it's going to be Boston vs SJ in the finals.
Comment by vp on April 13, 2009 at 5:29pm
Here's my entry : vp_picks.xls
Couple sentimental picks but it's hard to bet against Detroit when Zetterberg is on your 2nd line. Go Habs go!
Post your picks here and pay up!

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