April 2008 Blog Posts (18)

The Battle of Washington - May 31st

Turns out, there is another active Street Hockey team in our fine state. The Olympia Breakers, pictured below, will be driving up to Seattle later this month to challenge us to a game.

I'll update this post with more details as I get them, but so far, it looks like at least 9 of them will be making the trip from our state's capitol. The game is tentatively scheduled for Saturday May 31st at 2pm.

Drinks at St. Andrews Pub on Hwy 99 after the game.…


Added by KS on April 30, 2008 at 10:30pm — 11 Comments

weeknight playoffs @ St. Andrews?

Is St. Andrews playing any of the weeknight games, and has anyone been partaking? It's right on my drive home so stopping in for a pint and watching Montreal spank Philly might be in order.

Added by ML on April 28, 2008 at 9:56am — 4 Comments


have been enjoying reading all the Seattle "T" news and watching NHL playoffs (some awesome games) especially PITTSBURGH PENS. Did I read that "my" benny out with broken ribs...dad's are always last to know! Pop-Pop Dickinson

Added by Roger "Pop-Pop" Dickinson on April 28, 2008 at 9:27am — 3 Comments

4/26 Game, 2nd round playoffs, 1:30 game start

Good hard games last week. Peto had to field an errand ball complain from the police. As usual, he didn't add much value.

Playoff games on the telly start at 4pm so let's get a 1:30 start again this week.

Game on!

Added by vp on April 25, 2008 at 3:49pm — 3 Comments

USA and Canada Jerseys for Can-Am Classic

Who? How? How much? When? Will they look they same as last year's sweaters? Time is marching. Let's not get in a pickle like we did for Vegas. Comments please.

Added by Adam on April 25, 2008 at 1:06pm — 3 Comments

4/19 Game, Winter is back, 1:30 game start

Almost 80F last week and now this mess? Rain is supposed to stop at 1pm on Saturday...

Let's try for a 1:30pm start time time this week. Should leave enough time before the Habs - Boston game at 4pm.

Game on!

Added by vp on April 18, 2008 at 4:14pm — 3 Comments

Vancouver Update: Please read.

Hi guys. Just sent the $600.00 today as we received enough funds to cover it, but are still missing quite a few players if we plan on having a chance...and still need the funds for the $500.00 deposit.

So far...here are the paid committed fellows:









Benny(not paid but will come through)



I believe I have everyone on the list I have heard… Continue

Added by GG on April 15, 2008 at 5:13pm — 8 Comments

Nonis fired

Why the fack did they not re-sign Brian Burke when they had the chance. Burke was the best thing to happen to the Canucks since Pat Quinn. But no, they wanted to rebuild "from within" in their front office, and Nonis laid an egg the past 3 seasons. The only good thing he did was sign Luongo. What a waste of three years.


Added by ML on April 14, 2008 at 7:57pm — 2 Comments

Goaltender Schedule for April 19

For the SSH session coming up this Saturday, April 19th, I will play "out." That leaves Dan and Gary in goal. Sound good?

Thanks, Andrei.

Added by Andrei on April 14, 2008 at 3:43pm — 2 Comments

Canada vs USA game!

It's official. Saturday 14 June, 2008 is the 2nd annual Canada vs USA game/BBQ. We're not sure how will run the match or how many players we'll have. We can start a discussion on this.

Main thing is I want to start collecting $10 from each person playing to cover the costs for food and beer (the $10 includes your family members). Please let me know if you'll be able to play and then donate $10. I'll keep track of who has donated. You can send it to me or give it to me personally (whenever… Continue

Added by Shnoy on April 12, 2008 at 8:14am — 8 Comments

4/12 Spring Hockey + playoffs + Bring color and black!

Good tight hockey last week. Benny is out for a couple weeks with broken ribs courtesy of an (accidental) elbow by Peto. Get better soon buddy. Saliba also played with semi healed broken ribs! Jeez, you'd think we're playin 70's style Flyers hockey!

Spring in Seattle starts Sat with 70F+ weather. Dust off that stick and get yer ass to Greenwood Elementary. We'll need help to set up so plan on arriving ~1:45pm. Bring colors and white (or reversible jersey) so we can mix the teams up.… Continue

Added by vp on April 11, 2008 at 11:02am — 1 Comment

TSN launches new site

For all those Canadian sports fans out there, TSN.ca just relaunched a fresh new design of their site. I haven't spent a lot of time on it yet, but it looks to be pretty similar to their American counterparts ESPN. Anywho, just thought I'd pass this along.


Added by gw on April 8, 2008 at 9:56am — 1 Comment

NHL Playoff Pool


If anyone's interested. I need the spreadsheet back by weds. 4pm PST. Entry is a neat $20 this year. Winner takes the pot, less the cost of a practice jersey of the cup champs that the second place winner gets. Scoring is still a bit odd but has worked well for a bunch of years so I'm leaving it alone. Read the instructions, good luck.

Forward to anyone who might be… Continue

Added by Rainer on April 6, 2008 at 9:45pm — 7 Comments

Remaining Jerseys

If there's anyone that doesn't have a jersey yet, Gary's putting together a second printing.

Mike, the jersey Gregg had for you was passed on to Gary. Numbers that are taken are below
3, 4, 7-12, 14, 15, 18-20, 23, 31, 32, 68, 72, 77, 78.

Gary, I'll take #2 for the medium.

Added by Rainer on April 6, 2008 at 8:51am — 6 Comments

4/5 Street hockey - should be dry

Sorry, couldn't make it last week. Foot of fresh in the mtns could not be ignored.

I'm back to play this week and plan to resume the win streak.

Only a couple more NHL games before playoffs begin. Pens and Habs are dead even at 102pts with 1 game left. Cigar malt still in play...

Forecast says we should stay dry until… Continue

Added by vp on April 4, 2008 at 10:04am — 1 Comment

Vancouver Tournament August 7th-9th PLEASE READ IF YOU WANT TO BE ON THE TEAM.

Hi Gents,

Everyone from the previous Vegas tourney has received an email already, but I thought I'd post this as the official invite.

The Tournament is August 7th-9th in Vancouver. It is a C level tournament so I think we should do well or at least hold our own.

So far these fellows are going or have committed to go:

Vinnie - Paid

Andrei - Paid

Peto - Cheque is in the Mail


Koh - Cheque better be in the Mail

Scott -… Continue

Added by GG on April 3, 2008 at 2:29pm — 6 Comments


Annual CAS Curling Party!

Saturday, April 19, 2008, 6:30PM - 11PM

Granite Curling Club, Seattle, WA

Fee: $25/CAS Member (each member plus one guest at the member rate); $35/Non-Member and At-the-Door

Register Now!

Join the CAS' annual curling extravaganza! Always one of our most… Continue

Added by Sam & Melissa on April 2, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments



join the league : DRW CLUB

password is: bradmarsh (all lowercase)

also huge street tourney goin down in marquette michigan on July 26th-28th. 4 on 4 action w/ the goalie, teams consist of 4-7 players. Buy - in for team is around $ 20-25 bucks per person, all proceeds go to kids who can't afford to play ice hockey in marquette. hah i know u guys prolly won't be down but i thought i'd throw it out there! go red wings!!!!

Added by Brad Marsh on April 2, 2008 at 10:36am — 1 Comment

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