Turns out, there is another active Street Hockey team in our fine state. The Olympia Breakers, pictured below, will be driving up to Seattle later this month to challenge us to a game.
I'll update this post with more details as I get them, but so far, it looks like at least 9 of them will be making the trip from our state's capitol. The game is
tentatively scheduled for Saturday May 31st at 2pm.
Drinks at St. Andrews Pub on Hwy 99 after the game.

A few more notes about their team and style of play from the Breakers themselves:
Style of play -- "We play with the smaller Franklin nets...our games would get out of hand on such a small surface if we used a regulation one. Besides the surface area and game players, our biggest differences are that we have no play behind the nets (our nets are against the wall) and we have a past-half offsides rule. Our goalies have to cover the ball in their extended crease area (we don`t have faceoffs after goalie stops), and if they choose to throw the ball back in play instead of a drop and pass, a teammate has to touch it before it crosses the center line. Just avoids basket hanging and works pretty well."
Type of Ball -- "We also use Mylec balls, the pink cool weather ones, year round. Definitely not as bouncy as tournament ones."
Tournament Play -- The Breakers also played in the Pittsburgh National Ball Hockey Championships last year, and it sounds like they did about as well as we did in the Sin City tournament.
The battle is on!
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