[Update 2]

We just couldn't get enough bodies for this Saturday. Might be able to give it another go on an upcoming weekend before the weather gets too dicey - stay tuned. Regular game at Salmon Bay tomorrow, October 5th. 


Confirmed:  Jake, Vinny, Jeff, Steve, Evan, Ryan, Dan, Alan, Katherine, Erik, Scott (Goalie), Mark (Goalie)

We're sitting on 5-on-5 with two goalies right now - would like to get up to more like 8-on-8 before we head out there. Big rink with actual boards makes for tiring hockey. Keep spreading the good word.


Little less formal than last year... Tentative plan is to head out to the rink on Bainbridge Island (link) in the morning and get a game going around noon. This event will be weather dependent - if there's any chance of rain, we'll likely just stick around Salmon Bay to avoid having Jeff post pictures of his bruised ass cheek on this website again. 

There was talk about getting a house out there, but Z jumped on Airbnb and it's pretty slim pickings for a one-night stay two weekends out. Probably just an out-and-back again this year - but I wouldn't mind grilling at the park afterwards.

So hire a babysitter, throw your pager in the garbage, stock up on chocolate milk, and light your houseboat on fire - this is a can't miss SSH event. Throw your name in the comments so we can start to put together rosters.

Views: 186


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Comment by Scott Flanagan on September 27, 2019 at 2:43pm
In for whatever side in goal or out! Although, technically would be east if going by birth or most number of years where I’ve resided.
Comment by Evan Applegate on September 26, 2019 at 11:02pm
In for east
Comment by Steve W on September 25, 2019 at 11:29pm
Pager in trash! In for the East.
Comment by jeff on September 25, 2019 at 7:00pm

i'm going to post my ass cheek either way-- East is the Beast!

Comment by vp on September 24, 2019 at 2:34pm

Perfect, In for East.

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