This Saturday -- SSH to Bainbridge Island 9/11

Greetings SSHers,

As many of you know, we're moving our weekly game to Bainbridge Island this Saturday, Sept 11th. Battle Point Park has an outdoor hockey rink that we have reserved for the day. I was on that side of the water this weekend and I stopped by to check out the facilities. It's not a makeshift rink, or a "good enough, let's call it a rink" rink, it is a full on hockey rink. This is going to be sweet. There a water fountain at the rink (if you're too lazy to bring your own) and bathrooms as well. Here's the specifics.


Ferry leaves from the Seattle waterfront. You need to be driving NORTH on Alaska Way to get into the ferry terminal (you cannot turn right off of Alaska Way into the terminal while traveling south). We want to catch the 11:25 ferry to Bainbridge Island. So plan on BUYING your ferry ticket at 10:45. If you get there much later, the ferry may be full, and you'll have to wait for the 12:20. Once on the boat, let's meet in the galley....that's where they sell the booze.

If anyone is carpooling and needs to meet at the ferry, there is free, all day street parking on Alaska Way south of the ferry Terminal.

Directions and Parking

Easy. Get off the ferry and follow the flow of traffic straight on Rt 305. Drive 3 miles and turn L on Koura Road. Check out the google map for the rest.

Park at the first park entrance you see. If that lot is full, drive around the park and enter the other lot on Battle Point Drive (there is a tiny parking lot on Frey road, but it's far far from the rink).


I'm up for whatever, but if the weathers nice, I'd suggest heading into Bainbridge for food and drinks. Doc's Marina Grill has excellent outdoor seating and we should be able to get a big table or two for all of us. The Harbor Pub is a nice place as well, but it's on the smaller size, and getting a table may be difficult.

Doc's Grill is 0.5 miles from the ferry, so if you carpool over and your ride wants to leave early, you can walk back to the boat.


Jason and I are taking his big truck and will be getting the nets from Jeff's house. (He is taking off right after the game, so I'll probably throw my sticks/gear in his truck, bring a change of clothes and just walk on the ferry. Anyone else is welcome do to the same.) Can someone please bring the balls.

One more thing....bring $5 to cover the cost of the rink reservation. I'll buy a round with any leftover cash.

That's it. If you want to carpool to save money, go for it. Figure it out amongst yourselves....I'm not your mother. I'm planning on making a whole day and night of it, so get a baby sitter. I haven't heard back from the Bainbridge Island roller hockey guys. I'm going to ask them to show up at 2-3pm (if they can get a team together) to play us in a scrimmage. Either way, we'll have plenty of time to play. Am I forgetting anything? Did I put you to sleep? Let's have a great turnout and great time.

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Comment by Anthony on September 12, 2010 at 11:01pm
I'm on the Bengay and Advil therapy recovery regiment, I'm in pain but it was worth it!
Comment by Alan on September 12, 2010 at 10:44pm
I second that. I can barely walk today.
Comment by Peto on September 12, 2010 at 10:54am
It was glorious. Best day of hockey for years. Think we played 4.5 hours. I can barely walk today.
Comment by ML on September 11, 2010 at 8:57pm
Couldn't make it, faaack. How was it?
Comment by ALAN SINGER on September 11, 2010 at 9:36am
You guys seem great -- I look forward to meeting you sometime! I hopeyou guys take pictures of the BB rink -- it looks great! I have soccer with my kids today and can't make it -- have fun!
Comment by ML on September 9, 2010 at 8:01pm
Last boat is at 1:25am....Peto will arrange for it to somehow be 2:30am and it'll be missing a rudder.
Comment by Sharif Tai on September 9, 2010 at 7:38pm
This sounds like a great time. I'll probably drive as I'll have my goalie gear. I'm in the central district if anyone needs a ride to the ferry but I'm not sure when I'm coming back.
Comment by Steve W on September 9, 2010 at 12:47pm
Schedule is here. Last boat is at 1:25am
Comment by Peto on September 9, 2010 at 11:37am
I am in and bringing Kreptul. When do the ferries run to for getting home later?
Comment by Alan on September 8, 2010 at 5:52pm
I am in. I am coming with Anthony.

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