2/23 Game on + bring $$$ for boards

First time (for me) playing with the new boards last week and I gotta say it's a whole new game! No chasing around, board passes, etc, looks almost legit!

Many of us had the spiffy new tsunami black - white reversible jerseys at the game and it makes changing team way slicker than passing around the nasty yellow pinnies. Just flip your jersey and yer done.
Drop a line to Gary Rededekop if you want one too.

Still need a couple bucks to repay Benny for the boards so bring your cash if you haven't contributed to the kitty. You can also pay online here by pushing the Donate button next to this post.

Stealing Saliba's thunder, here's the 2008 vegas recap document by the tournament organizer. 10-20 years from now, bad back and all, I'll reminisce about riding the dragon in Vegas.

Benny, I owe you a cigar malt.

BFL, we'll take on your old DC buddies any day

Game on!

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Comment by KS on February 23, 2008 at 12:07pm
i'll be there
Comment by ML on February 23, 2008 at 11:51am
I'll be there. Looking forward to playing with the new boards. And what a fricken beauty day for hockey, shorts weather in February!
Comment by benny d on February 22, 2008 at 7:43pm
my flight gets in at 1:55 so i'm hoping to make a late-- and much bedraggled-- appearance for a couple games before quitting time.

plus i want to cash in on my dalmore "evgeni malkin" cigar malt!
Comment by Brad Marsh on February 22, 2008 at 7:26pm
thats aight i'll carry'em home
Comment by vp on February 22, 2008 at 6:30pm
Old nets are yours Marshy, take em! Don't know if they fit on the bus bike rack though. Bring bungy cords
Comment by Brad Marsh on February 22, 2008 at 5:50pm
Adam, keep up the good work mane! and as for those nets I will take them if nobody wants'em. Also I'll be bringing a bag of "chips" to hockey tomorrow if anybody is interested let me know(fiddy). See you tomorrow. I'll be there early to set shit up, so everybody show up at 1 instead of 2 to get er done! peace.
Comment by Adam on February 22, 2008 at 4:48pm
Can't make it. Someone should bring a small, adjustable wrench. The clamps on the ends of the cables have loosened up and they should be tightened down. Whoever has the bum ratchet, don't throw it out! Use another ratchet in the box of supplies.

Also, I stopped by St John's this past week and tidied up where we store our nets and supplies. I also put the cardboard box of Benny's supplies into a black garbage bag to keep the wet off. (I'll be replacing that with a 5-gallon bucket with a lid.) It's becoming a rather large mess, so before someone takes notice, we should get rid of the extra crap we don't need - the smaller goals and the orange storm fencing. Also also, when the gear is put way, roll in the bales of fencing first, and tuck the goals in last so they don't stick out from the buildings - we don't want to advertise our cool shit. Keep it tidy!
Comment by vp on February 22, 2008 at 3:29pm
I'm in! Add comments if you're in!

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