Looking ahead : Tampa tourney 6/2008

Just got this in my box and posting it before I forget. Let's do Vegas first and see how we do...

Download 2008 Sunshine Shoot-Out.doc

I have attached a flyer for the 2008 Sunshine Shoot-Out in Florida. The tournament will take place at Sportszone 2 on June 21st & 22nd. I may have to start on Friday the 20th if I get to many teams. So far the interest is overwhelming. If your team has interest please notify me ASAP. This is an outstanding facility, but one rink. Therefore, I will take the first 24 team that get me a non-refundable deposit of $150. This will be an Open event. My goal is to have three brackets which are A,B,& C.That is the only way to make sure it is fair play for all teams participating. All teams will be guaranteed four games (3 three in round robin and 1 playoff). If you need more details please feel free to e-mail me at mgarry3@tampabay.rr.com or call me at (813) 818-1312.

Thank You,

Matthew Garry Investments, Mortgages, or Travel
813-818-1312 Business
727-809-0775 Cell

Views: 6


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Comment by Adam on February 5, 2008 at 2:30pm
Anything in Canada would be way cool. Don't forget your passports!
Comment by GG on February 5, 2008 at 12:26pm
It's a possibility, but I also read some stuff about B.C. league that might be an interesting scenario.
Comment by Brad Marsh on February 5, 2008 at 8:13am
right on

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