December 2007 Blog Posts (21)

Street Hockey on New Year's Day?

Anyone up for a game on January 1? Same time (2PM), same place. Enjoy the Sabres-Pens game then come on out for a little street action!

Please post replies so we can gauge the turnout.

Happy New Year SSH!

Added by Adam on December 30, 2007 at 8:04pm — 1 Comment

Any body want to go to the t birds tonite

If any body wants to go I got one extra ticket. I was going to take my sister in law but she flaked out. If you want just call me on my cell 206-290-8993( I have family in and might not be near the computer) and the ticket is yours.The seats are sec. 127 row 11 seat 1& 2 so they should be good seats.

Added by Gary redekopp on December 30, 2007 at 1:58pm — No Comments

12/29 hockey?

Hey folks-- i'm getting ready to leave the foothills of Mt. Baker
(11am) and head for seattle. i should be back in plenty of time
for a 2pm game. i know there's a lot of folks out of town, but
after last weekend i figure we should be able get a game going.
since we probably won't be stopping by vinny's house try and bring a
light and dark shirt/jersey for dividing up the teams.

give me a call if you want: 206.601.5532

benny d

Added by benny d on December 29, 2007 at 11:05am — No Comments

Game on for 12/29!

I'll be there at 2.

Added by Adam on December 28, 2007 at 2:46pm — 1 Comment

Special Hockey Night in Canada this Thursday 12/27

Who's wants to grab a few pints with me at St. Andrews (or anywhere) Thursday night to watch a little HNIC?

Whoa there.

Due to lack of interest, I will not be going to St. Andrews to root for the habs and nucks.


Added by Adam on December 27, 2007 at 3:03pm — 3 Comments

Newest Canuck fan arrived

Hey all, not really hockey related but some of you wife and I welcomed our daughter Amelia on Dec 11th. Momma and baby are doing great. I put some pictures in my album here on

Added by ML on December 26, 2007 at 6:14pm — 3 Comments


Check this out:

Added by Brad Marsh on December 26, 2007 at 12:19pm — No Comments

12/22/07 Recap

Christmas was just around the corner-- cool, drizzly weather, last minute shopping, people out of town-- and things looked pretty dicey for some Saturday road hockey; however, after much finagling a solid turnout produced some competitive 4-on-4 games. Due to a lack of man-muscle (*cough* Schneuer, Kreptul *cough*) the gear could not be retrieved from the Payette compound leaving us short on game balls, sticks and yellow pinnies. The challenges couldn't derail a focused group of players that… Continue

Added by benny d on December 25, 2007 at 3:46pm — 4 Comments

The new SSH logo/banner is awesome

Geoff, you did a fricken great job on the logo/banner. Any thought on putting together a quick CafePress page for it? It would look sa-weet on a tshirt!

I can throw something together if you're too busy. Let me know and we can arrange for you to send me the original.


Added by ML on December 23, 2007 at 11:52am — 1 Comment

Crosby vs Ferrence

Added by ML on December 21, 2007 at 5:24pm — 5 Comments

Saturday 12/22 Street hockey, check out the new website look!

First off, big thanks to Werbicki for the new website design. Pretty slick!

We had an awesome turnout again last week. 5 on 5, plus subs plus 2 goalies!

I will be out of town the next 2 weekends so someone else will have to pick up the gear at my house. It's in my garage at 5831 Woodlawn. Kreptul, you hoarding half the gear? You better show up this week! BTW, anyone "borrowed" my brand new stick on the famous snow game? I need it back.

For the new SSH people, the…


Added by vp on December 20, 2007 at 11:44am — 7 Comments


Hey everyone, after some fiddling with the banner design some more (added the Olympics and the Space Needle!), and working on a good color scheme for the site for the past hour and a half, I'm finally satisfied with the way things look. So, let me know if this is cool with everyone, or if anyone has an issue with readability or anything (or, just hates the colors, in which case, too bad! ha ha).

Anywho, hope you all enjoy the new look... I had fun working on it, so thanks to Vinnie… Continue

Added by gw on December 14, 2007 at 9:11pm — 2 Comments

Regular game 12/15, check out the new logo banner!

Thanks to everyone (>20!) who came to play in glorious fall weather last week.

Accuweather (tip to Cory) predicts cloudy at 2pm on Saturday so we might avoid the rain. Same time 2pm, same place (Greenwood Elementary). Check out our new slick top banner! Big props and good karma…


Added by vp on December 14, 2007 at 11:52am — 3 Comments

Could a morbidly obese goalie shut out an NHL team?

The answer to that burning question here

Added by vp on December 13, 2007 at 2:59pm — 1 Comment


Hey, Brad again. So I'm sure the 4 spots have probably already been filled, but if they haventttttt I got two guys from MICHIGAN that wanna play on our team! They're pretty good players and I've played with them both before in ice hockey leagues. They also don't hog the ice / court like I was doing last Saturday, don't worry I'll be sure to cut down my shifts and step up my play for the tourney hah. The one kid, Paul Quale, is actually moving in w/ me at the apartment so he could play a couple… Continue

Added by Brad Marsh on December 10, 2007 at 8:14pm — 1 Comment


Saturdays game had some brutal action going on. Good time for sure. Does anybody know if we gotta full team for Vegas? Because the way people were playing Saturday I think were gonna do pretty good.

Added by Brad Marsh on December 8, 2007 at 10:53pm — 2 Comments

Saturday 12/8, Game on!

Looks like it'll be cold but sunny!

See ya all at 2 pm. It's been busy at St.John's lately so we might have to play at Greenwood elementary. Hope you can make it.

Game on!

Added by vp on December 7, 2007 at 10:24am — 2 Comments

I'm going to Vegas!

I took the plunge and bought me a roundtrip ticket! I am so stoked about this! Kevin, I got a check for you, you'll get it tomorrow, 12/6. Thanks again for spearheading this. Damn! I love the enthusiasm! Gotta start thinking about names for the team...Emerald City Bruisers? Emerald City Growlers - that's even better, a little play on words - a growling, fierce animal, and a 'growler' as in a half-gallon of beer! Mmmmmm.... So, I found the best deals through Hotwire, looking for nonstops and… Continue

Added by Adam on December 5, 2007 at 8:26pm — 2 Comments

Indoor Roller Hockey

Indoor roller hockey every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at Redmond Athletic Club. $10.00 drop in. Large surface, players welcome. Trying to get enough players interested to set up a small league or round robin mini season for fun. Hope as many of you who play outside in Seattle on Saturday, can join us on Sunday inside.

Added by Goalie Rob on December 5, 2007 at 6:12pm — 1 Comment

Vegas! baby Vegas!

One quick word. I will never mention Bobby Lou and Aaron Voros together again on this blog. Nuf said, We have 9 committed for Vegas by my count so far. Let me know if I have this right. Brad, Vinny, Peto, Chuck, Dan, Bill L, Ov, Kev and myself. Step it up dudes! Need 8 more, what up! From here on out i'll post all Vegas info on the Forum. Lets make it happen!

Added by Shnoy on December 3, 2007 at 8:12am — No Comments

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