Christmas was just around the corner-- cool, drizzly weather, last minute shopping, people out of town-- and things looked pretty dicey for some Saturday road hockey; however, after much finagling a solid turnout produced some competitive 4-on-4 games. Due to a lack of man-muscle (*cough* Schneuer, Kreptul *cough*) the gear could not be retrieved from the Payette compound leaving us short on game balls, sticks and yellow pinnies. The challenges couldn't derail a focused group of players that divided up into two squads based on dark and light shirts for the duration-- SSH's form of the unbalanced schedule!

Representing the dark team were Kreptul, Koh, Benny, Greg S., Tony, and Saliba. On the light squad were Gary R., Rainer, Graeme, Daniel, and Matt (times two?scott?). Despite some close competition, the darks dominated in the win column with victories in all but one game-- a game that featured a furious comeback from a 4-0 deficeit that fell just short.

The post-game wrap up started at St. Andrews and included some serious discussion on the Vegas trip: sponsorship options, the team name (regretfully Graeme's suggesting the Seattle Seamen), and potential roster lines. Needless to say things got more interesting with each round of drinks and a good portion of the crew continued the discourse at Prost where we were able to harrass a pub crawl group for the second time of the night. Good times!

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Comment by Adam on December 27, 2007 at 10:16am
Hell yeah I've known about this one. An outdoor game, yesch! But beware ye mateys! Bad mojo exists at thar yonder stadium...(for Buffalo).

Comment by Brad Marsh on December 26, 2007 at 12:32pm
Comment by vp on December 26, 2007 at 12:24pm
Of course, it's the Sabres v. Pens outdoors!
Here's a link :
Comment by Brad Marsh on December 26, 2007 at 12:14pm
i have to say SEATTLE TSUNAMI is a sweet name. you guys no about the big new years day game goin on in Buffalo?

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