August 2008 Blog Posts (11)

Labour Day weekend game

Are there enough folks in town this weekend to have a game on Saturday? Or is everyone going to be squeezing in camping/hiking/travelling/beach-time/[insert summer activity here] on the 'last' weekend of summer?

Added by ML on August 27, 2008 at 9:37pm — 7 Comments

Funds disbursed to Vic's family

Thanks everyone for contributing to the Vic memorial fund. I have the pleasure and honor to announce that we raised a total of $1720.

This letter and check were sent to Georginette and Daniel Cleofe today.

It won't bring him back but that's our way of remembering Vic and helping his family through this difficult period.

Deepest sympathy to Vic's friends… Continue

Added by vp on August 25, 2008 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

who's in tomorrow?

I'm in... Anyone else? Bring your sunscreen, I'm proposing shirts and skins for the 94' heat. Beers may be a good idea too :-)

Added by gw on August 15, 2008 at 9:57pm — 3 Comments

Who Wants to Help Me Move on Sunday 8/31?

Tasha and I are moving from West Seattle to Ballard at the end of the month! We're well-organized, we pack well (!), and won't have a lot of loose shit flopping all over the place that's hard to carry. We only have a few items that require two people to carry. We have a big-ass box truck to use all day too.

We'll provide food and drink for anyone who can help. More details to those who can make it. Loading would start late morning ~11, and hopefully finish unloading late afternoon… Continue

Added by Adam on August 15, 2008 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Kid friendly?

Hey Bubbles,

I have no problem w/ kids coming along. My dog is a bit of a freak around kids cuz he doesn't understand them and I can't vouch for Peto's behavior either. Other than that, the kids should be fine.

Damn fine goal, Bubbles. Most definitely a high point of the tourny. Now we gotta figure out why the Tsunami resembles a raindrop when it hits the floor in tournament play.

Chuck :-)

Added by Chuck Tompkins on August 13, 2008 at 5:43pm — No Comments

Vancouver Tourney Recap

It was a humbling trip to the great white north for the Seattle Tsunami as we were completely outclassed in the C division. First off, thanks to Bubbles for all the leg work and organizing the trip-- it went very smoothly considering all the logistical mish-mash going on with people staying all over the place and coming at different times. Not to mention all the logistics with the rules and equipment.

Thursday night's game was proceeded by a moment of silence for Vic. Both teams… Continue

Added by benny d on August 12, 2008 at 5:02pm — 4 Comments

Post street hockey BBQ

Hey fellahs,

I'm thinking this is a good weekend for us to get our party on at my place after street hockey. First disclaimer is that I'm a bachelor and don't have a bunch of lawn furniture like the Peto's, a clean house like the Payettes and a full array of kitchen utensils and shit like the rest of you domesticated "Good Housekeeping" readers. So I just figure we say, I fire up the grill, you bring some beers and some meat to cook up. If your last name starts with A-J bring a… Continue

Added by Chuck Tompkins on August 11, 2008 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

Saturday Hockey 8/9 - Who's In?

Even though Team Tsunami is on the road kicking ass in BC, the ball keeps rolling here in Seattle. Reply here to gauge turnout.

Added by Adam on August 8, 2008 at 10:05am — 5 Comments

Good Luck this Weekend, Tsunami

Guys, good luck. Win the tourney up there!!!

Added by DAM on August 6, 2008 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Giving rides to Vancouver

Hi All,

Just to let you all know that with the limited room in Melissa's car for bodies and equipment/gear, we can only take a maximum of three people (Melissa, me and Reiner) in Melissa's car.

Sorry, guys. Can someone out there give Andrew the Czech a ride up on Thursday to Vancouver??


Added by Andrei on August 5, 2008 at 10:02pm — 5 Comments

Sad news : Vic is no longer with us

If you don’t know already, Vic passed away last night. He was joining Carlo for pickup roller hockey and he suddenly collapsed. Carlo found out later that night that Vic passed away.

This is a sad day in the history of We were just starting to get to know Vic. Great guy, magic hands, a wall in net. He had my vote for MVP of Can v. USA battle. He was commenting on the blog not even 2 days ago. Last week as netminder, he robbed me blind a bunch of times!…


Added by vp on August 1, 2008 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

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