July 2013 Blog Posts (12)

Saturday 7/27 - Game on?

It sounds like some players are sneaking off to the 3on3 tourney tomorrow.  Do we have goalies available for the standard Saturday afternoon game, as well as available players?  Please respond if you're in or out so we can gauge turnout. 

Added by ML on July 26, 2013 at 10:40am — 11 Comments

Earlier Start Time

Some of us were talking this past Saturday about starting earlier at 10, due to busy summer schedules and also playing in the cooler mornings. A few of us will be gone for the 3-on-3 tournament in Kent, but y'all could start this Saturday at 10am. Just a thought, but it works better for my busy summer schedule and easier to play in the cool off the day and I thought work better for others too. What do you guys think?


Added by Darren Siemens on July 23, 2013 at 5:35pm — 11 Comments

40 hours later...Saturday 7/20 @ 1 PM

Thurs eve hockey went past 9PM, who's coming back for more on Sat? Goalies?

Added by Cam Green on July 19, 2013 at 9:36am — 8 Comments

Mid-week game on! Thursday July 18th - 7pm.

We have two goalies confirmed with Dan and Evan.  Let's get there on time and get a game going.  Beers to follow.

Adams school

7pm to 8:30pm

who's in?  Please confirm on the website so we can track numbers.

Added by Cory on July 17, 2013 at 3:08pm — 16 Comments

Sat 7/13

It will be a beautiful day on Sat, so who's in? Goalies?

Added by Alan on July 12, 2013 at 12:29pm — 19 Comments

July 6th Game

Who's in for July 6th? I should be there this time ready to play in goal... baring any surprise kidney stones again, lol.

Added by Damian Allen on July 4, 2013 at 12:13pm — 10 Comments

Thank you from Robert and Kate

Thank you to everyone who helped us with the move, provided food, sent encouraging emails or just supported my family and I in any way over the past few weeks. My wife and I thought it would be us against the insurane companies dealing with my Lymphoma and we had to manage the best we can on our own. I've been in and out of hospitals for the past months and we've had some real ups and downs. We were completely astounded by the support from SSH. It was totaly unexpected. I've gone to the…


Added by Robert Quaak on July 4, 2013 at 11:25am — 1 Comment

Draft Day Doozy!

04.01.13 UPI Seattle WA

Dickey Dunn reporting

While most GMs and scouts were working feverishly to infuse their teams with youth and talent at the NHL Draft this past weekend, Team USA was putting the finishing touches on a transfer agreement that would bring Cam Green into the fold over the next three years.  The move is expected to send a…


Added by benny d on July 4, 2013 at 6:58am — 5 Comments

Thursday July 4

Anyone interested in playing a holiday game on Thursday instead. I can play in the afternoon (1 or 2pm) or in the evening (7:30pm). Goalies?

Added by Alan on July 3, 2013 at 7:42am — 5 Comments

pickup game wednesday the 3rd.

do we have enough folks for tomorrow night?

Added by Evan Vaughan on July 2, 2013 at 1:25pm — 6 Comments


I never did get to see the end of the tourney, but sounds like there was never any 'bench clearing brawls'...i just wanted to say congrats to Cam for the Koh Smithe, and to give a shout out to a BENNY for being a solid runner-up for the 'koh'.  i know it's really late but I have to say that Benny and the very large defenseman with the freakish reach (sorry we have not met) made things particularly difficult for me this year.  Great hustle by both of you guys!  Cheers-yellowgloves -burns

Added by Craig Burns on July 2, 2013 at 11:50am — No Comments

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