Thought you might be curious to see the site traffic stats. Nothing too earth shattering. Saliba is laughing, he probably gets that kind of traffic every minute!

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I guess this stuff is important to sales and marketing people. You know, my homepage at work is SSH - and I check the page many times a day when I return to my desk. I hope I'm not skewing those numbers!

By the bye, in regards to the monthy $8 fee, everyone ought to pick a month to pay for, or split it with someone else. That way we share the wealth and the whole year can be easily covered. I will pay you $8 for the month of May.
No worries Adam, the fundraising for the boards was successful enough to pay Benny and site hosting for the year. I'm set.
These are much than I would have guessed. I assume the 21 dial up visits are Koh surfing on his parents AOL account?


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