Hi Everyone,

Would you like to come to a meeting with Seattle Parks and other folks to discuss building outdoor public spaces for roller and street hockey in the city of Seattle?  If so, let me know ASAP.

Lately I've been in touch with some folks about trying to begin anew this conversation with the city.  I realize last year or so the city heard some about hockey and the great interest in the sport, particularly street hockey -- and the result was that dodgeball and bike polo were allowed, but I still see no place for hockey!

This may change...

I've been gathering names of people to help address this issue, and I am looking for folks from Seattle Street Hockey to join in.

The meeting is to be set ASAP.  If interested in attending, please give me a call ASAP -- my daytime number is (360) 725-7046, my cell is (206) 375-0953.  I'd like to explain more.



Views: 210


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Comment by BC on October 31, 2011 at 9:16pm
Hey all. Bob from Portland checking in. We use a decommissioned tennis court here and have partnered with the city and the bike polo group to maintain it. It works great as some of your members will attest. Check with Parks & Rec to see if there is an inventory of such courts. I can get you in touch with the Seattle Bike Polo group if you'd like.
Comment by Steve W on October 30, 2011 at 5:42pm
I talked to Ovi over the weekend. I'll try to attend if work allows. Try to get Terry Holme in the meeting. He's the most supportive and sympathetic board member to our cause in the Parks Dept.
Comment by vp on October 29, 2011 at 9:07pm
Alan, is this still on?
Comment by Ovi on October 20, 2011 at 9:57pm
Nov 1 is good.  Oct 31 a possible.  I will give you a call tomorrow.
Comment by vp on October 18, 2011 at 9:50am
Hey Alan-Thanks for taking this on. I'm available either days. Any location downtown works for me.
Comment by ALAN SINGER on October 18, 2011 at 9:37am
Ovi, vp -- thanks!  Please let me know if either of you can please make a meeting with Seattle Parks and Recreation represenatives on either October 31 at 1:30 or Nov 1st at 1:00.  Location TBD -- PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL ASAP AT MY CELL OR AT WORK; thanks you guys, please let me know ASAP by giving me a call and we can discuss more!
Comment by vp on October 17, 2011 at 9:34am
I'm obviously super interested in any project to build a rink. Let me know how I can help.
Comment by Ovi on October 15, 2011 at 9:45pm

Alan, I am in.  Just send me the time and place.  I will give you a call soon.


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