Saturday 8/25 Game On - GOALIES??

Last week's goalies were sieves and are not invited back.  Can we get some real goalies this week?  If not we will be forced to take slapshots at this guy's face:


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Comment by rob sorensen on August 25, 2012 at 11:25am

sorry guys - I'm out, but the gear will be just inside the fence - turquoise house on SE side of 61st and 24th. Guess I'll see you all in 2 weeks - good luck in portland!

Comment by vp on August 24, 2012 at 4:17pm

IN. Josh, buy the mask, I'll get you the $ Feel free to buy bigge/better containers to store the equipment. I'm also buying more pads/gloves etc. from a ice goalie buddy for cheap. We'll soon be swimming in goalie gear... but who will play?

Comment by rob sorensen on August 24, 2012 at 12:50pm

yeah I'm fine with having the gear at my place - we may need to evaluate the containers though as both are a bit small for the equipment. I figure if we can take the time to go through the gear, make sure we have 2 complete sets (if that's the call) and then ensure that they can be closed up for easy transport/storage, we can leave them under my deck for as long as we are playing at Adams.

Comment by Josh K on August 24, 2012 at 11:36am

Also, I'm in with Rob on using the kitty to get a new helmet.  I have Amazon Prime and can get this sucker with free 2 day shipping.  Is it Vin that does the reimbursement?

Comment by Josh K on August 24, 2012 at 11:32am

I don't feel called out because when I left that day the group pretty much INSISTED I take it with me (Koh was pretty vocal about it).  They were worried about it disappearing for good (not just a week or two), and I am a pretty regular player who also plays goal, so it was safe with me.  My bad for not noting one the site that I was going to be unavailable, I should have given someone the option to pick it up from me.

Comment by ML on August 24, 2012 at 11:03am

The 'missing' communal goalie gear is a consistent problem.  Not calling you out for taking it home Josh, just commenting on the fact that it seems we've bought communal gear so many times over the years but then every other week it gets lost.  Really annoying.  Rob, is that a formal offer to store the gear at your place every week?

Comment by Josh K on August 24, 2012 at 10:47am

I have a set of goalie gear.  Some stuff came up and I have been absent the past 2 weekends.  Sorry about that.  I'm trying my best to make it tomorrow, and will try to play goalie more this fall/winter.  

If someone needs to pick up the gear tonight I can leave it at my house.  Someone message me if you want to get it.

Comment by rob sorensen on August 24, 2012 at 9:21am

pretty sure I'm in... couple of things: 1. We're looking for one set of goalie equipment - usually under my deck (roller container) but was taken home by someone else a few weeks ago and 2. Can the kitty afford a goalie helmet to complete the other set? Seems even when I bring that one along it's of limited use due to shortage of gear. I imagine that if we have 2 decent sets of equipment we can always draw straws to see who plays if our regs can't make it.

Comment by Jim Kirk on August 24, 2012 at 8:58am


Comment by Alan on August 23, 2012 at 9:50pm


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