East vs. West game---April 10th

Though it'd be fun to have a little series pitting those from the East vs. those from the West.

Dividing line is the Mississippi or Rockies--your pick.

This is an all-comers event at the regular SSH time and place.

Beers/burgers at the net storage facility post-game. I'll try to pick up some Iron City Light or Genny Cream Ale.

who's in? what's your allegiance?

Views: 270


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Comment by ML on April 8, 2010 at 1:21pm
Finally the frenchman talks some sense. Except for the west has no chance part.
Comment by vp on April 8, 2010 at 11:57am
People, you don't get to decide who you play for. Your birth certificate does.

The dividing line is Ontario border in Canada and the Mississipi in the US. Pretty simple.

I'll bring beer and bbq stuff. West has no chance...
Comment by ML on April 8, 2010 at 8:13am
Rainer, you're playing for the West or you'll forever be nicknamed Brett Hull.

How can you play based on Chicago? You're Canadian!
Comment by Dave Alefaio on April 6, 2010 at 5:52pm
I'm in for the west.

I'll bring some sides for the BBQ. Let me know if there's anything in particular that is needed.
Comment by Andrei on April 6, 2010 at 5:30pm
Rainer, you're from Winnipeg, and that's West in my book. C'mon, man!
Comment by Scott McDonald on April 6, 2010 at 5:06pm
I'm in for the east.

Jeff, should I bring some food or booze?
Comment by Steve W on April 6, 2010 at 2:08pm
West can bring the Kokanee and East the Labatt's. The loser has to drink Gennesee Cream Ale from Rochester, NY. It's as bad as it sounds.
Comment by Rainer on April 6, 2010 at 1:37pm
I am hoping to play for the east (Chicago) and am also attending the barbecue. I agree with Koh - there are so many people coming that we should have people bring something. Everybody bringing something to drink is a good start. How about east brings chips/sides and west brings desert? Do you need help with tables/ chairs as well? We have a card table we can throw in the car. -Kelly
Comment by Andrei on April 3, 2010 at 8:02am
I'm in for West, and will play goal equipment-permitting.
Comment by jeff on March 31, 2010 at 8:17am
Awesome! Looks like a great turn-out so far.

I will be organizing the post-game festivities. The actual team organization will be left to others.
We will start the party immediately following the game (just a few blocks from Adams). I'm asking everyone to kick in $5.

more details to come!

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