If you are interested in playing for Team USA in this year's CanAm Series please email me ASAP.

Team USA always has more people than it can support on a single roster, and like last year, will be capping the number of people.  It is unfortunate but it is only one weekend a year and the only time this ever happens.  If you know people (like Kevin, Scott, Chara, Litwin, etc) who apparently never look at the website and blog posts please inform them to spend two minutes and email me so we can avoid last second drama like last year.

It is May 1 and I will leave this open for one month.  Four weeks is plenty of time to reply so no crying people.  CanAm is on June 15.




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Comment by Richard Davalos on June 6, 2013 at 6:28pm

i would like to be in. Been on the DL for a while but i'm back this weekend.

Comment by Cory on May 4, 2013 at 1:47pm
Benny, I have a couple friends that are interested in playing for team US. They've never played hockey before, or any other team sport for that matter. I assume you can sqeeze 'em in? Thanks bud

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