Canada vs USA game becomes just HOCKEY & BBQ! on JUNE 5

In keeping with Seattle street hockey's roots. I have decided to make the June 5th game just a great hockey day & BBQ. Game time is noon sharp at Adams Elem.
EVERYONE is invited to join in and come to the BBQ at Peto's. 756 N 81st St, corner of 81st & Linden.
Please, let me know if you plan to attend. Need to know how much stuff to get.

I'm just asking for a $10 donation per family for the BBQ. Donate to SSH Kitty or me personally. With this we'll provide the stuff for the grill, condiments, BEER and soft drinks.

If you would like to bring a appetizer or side dish to share that would be great. But not required.

Hope to see you there.


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Comment by Scott McDonald on May 9, 2010 at 2:50pm
Mike I back-up your sentiments. I have enjoyed playing with you guys the past couple of months and was looking forward to the CanAm game and BBQ. I am heading out to Nevada soon and was hoping to get a game in with some higher stakes before I left.

After getting into some accounts from last year, I think we could make a couple adjustments that could help things go more smoothly. What do people think about getting some new leadership in there on the American side? There was some talk yesterday about Jeff and I being co-captains. I also think Benny did a great job in the East-West showdown and think he would do equally as good of a job. I think some of the usual suspects on Canadian side Vinny, Dave, and/or Kevin would be diplomatic in anything that could erupt in a controversy.

Some good leadership would help, but I think the real issue is that everyone needs to keep their heads. If you are one of the higher testosterone guys, take a good look in the mirror before the game and leave your ego at home. Everyone gets caught up in the spirit of playing a tough game, but if a call doesn’t go your way, you have to let it slide and let some captains decide. If someone on your team doesn’t bring the same skill or show up often, they are just as welcome to play as anyone else.

All parenting aside… Dave and I shared a brief conversation at the loft yesterday that featured that diplomatic but equally condescending tone the “The Deuce” takes with an American when he is speaking about the CanAm game. I have heard accounts from past years that range from the Americans couldn’t score a goal to they didn’t win one game to they won one game, and I know whatever the case, it did not look good for the Americans. I small part of me wonders about what that BBQ would be like if the Americans came out with the win.
Comment by ML on May 9, 2010 at 10:23am
We discussed this en masse at yesterday'd game. The vast majority of people wanted the Can vs USA tradition to continue. Why the change of plans Gregg?
Comment by Adam on May 7, 2010 at 9:43am
In. Bringing bread and moonshine.

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