Can/Am 2013 - Saturday June 15th @ Noon

The 7th annual Canada vs USA game is set for Saturday June 15th, starting at 12:00 noon @ Adams Elementary.  As in years past, this is a best-of-7 game series.  A family-friendly celebration BBQ will be held at 4pm @ Rainer and Kelly's (7302 28th Ave NW).

Roster space is limited. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate anyone and everyone who shows up for the game.  Preference will be given to the players who come out to our weekly games on a regular basis.  Showing up once a year just for the Can/Am game won't guarantee you a roster spot. If you are interested in playing for either Team Canada or Team USA, you must submit your name to the appropriate team captain for their consideration.  If you haven't talked to your team captain yet, get on it!  I've heard rumors that both rosters are already locked...


Team captains are: 

Team Canada: Vincent Payette

Team USA: Benny Dickinson

If you are neither an American nor a Canadian citizen but still want to play in the Can/Am game, send me your name and country of birth.  The team captains and I will work out a fair and balanced determination of what team you should play on.



Team USA wears blue, Team Canada wears white.  No black instead of blue, no grey instead of white.  No exceptions!

Although the rosters are limited for the game, the BBQ is open to the entire community and your families.  This year's post game festivities will be hosted by Kelly & Rainer (7302 28th Ave NW).   We have hired a grillman who will be doing the cooking for us (no food truck this year), and we're assured that food will be hot and ready by the time the first guests arrive.  This is not a potluck event, however feel free to bring something to share if you want to.  The cost of the BBQ per person is by donation.  Donate what you feel is adequate and/or what you're able to afford.  We will have at least one beer keg as well as non-alcoholic beverages for the kids and lushes.  Kelly mentions that it can get chilly in their yard once the sun goes down, so bring a sweater.  Picnic/camping chairs also a good idea.    NHL playoff game will be televised.

Views: 324


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Comment by Evan Vaughan on June 14, 2013 at 10:20pm
Comment by ML on June 13, 2013 at 9:21pm

BALL DROPS AT ==NOON==.  Be on time.

Comment by vp on June 13, 2013 at 2:24pm

Will Canada 7-peat?

Who will win the Koh Smythe? 

That's why they play the games!

Game on ssh!!!

Comment by Ryan Carney on June 12, 2013 at 1:40pm

Thanks! I just recently found this site... Bummer. I may come out to watch the game, and will definitely be there weekly.

Comment by ML on June 12, 2013 at 11:57am

Hi Ryan.  Thanks for showing interest in our group!  With the big game just a couple of days away, I believe both rosters are locked at this point.  But feel free to come out for our weekly games, and hopefully next year you can join in the Can/Am rivalry fun!

Comment by Ryan Carney on June 12, 2013 at 9:01am

I have tried getting a hold of Benny, to no avail... Can anyone pass along a message? I want to play for team USA!

Comment by Damian Allen on June 10, 2013 at 7:32am

I also have extra hockey glover that I don't wear because I don't like how longer gloves restrict my wrist movement... Anyone need a pair for the game?

Comment by ML on June 10, 2013 at 7:31am

Damian, you're good, no worries.

Comment by Damian Allen on June 10, 2013 at 7:30am

As far as the white jerseys for Canada goes... I was originally told, to wear a red jersey, so I ordered one online, which should get here today. Its unlikely I'll get a white jersey jersey in time, so I'll likely be wearing the red one. Although I don't think there will be an issue with players confusing which goalie is on which team, lol. I have a team USA jersey, if the USA goalie wants to wear it?

Comment by ML on June 9, 2013 at 4:26pm

Good news - current weather report for Saturday is 71F and 10% chance of rain.

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