I've noticed a lack of support in the running shoes I've been playing with the past year, which culminated saturday in my rolling my ankle over the ball. I think part of the problem is these shoes were bought specifically for jogging, and not cross-training type activities.

My thoughts are that tennis shoes or basketball shoes would be better. They'd offer the added ankle support needed when stop-and-going, turning, etc....body movements we see in street hockey that are similar to the movements in tennis and bball. But I also wonder if bball shoes (read: hightops) would be too heavy.

Anyone experimented with this before, or have recommendations?

Views: 402


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Comment by vp on February 26, 2008 at 8:19am
Tennis shoes have worked well for me. I'm sure onlineshoes.com can hook you up.
Comment by KS on February 25, 2008 at 8:34pm
Yes. Onlineshoes.com has all of the best options for street hockey. Geoff Werbicki once recommended the following:

Item # 135394 – Nice low top basketball shoe should work well for pavement and court play
(type this item number in onlineshoes.com)

Item # 116498 – Great support and well padded toe. Good for anyone interested in high-tops.

Item # 24374 – Classic soccer flat – means great shoe for moving in any direction. Great for indoor play. Very light and offers a snug fit.

Item # 128732 – Same as above, but offers better traction on a variety of surfaces and has a more supple form fitting leather upper.

Item # 93931 – Cross trainer designed with lots of cushion and great for any range of movement. Low heal offers stability and mesh breathes well (but doesn’t protect the toes)

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