At the risk of stealing Benny's thunder...

Ben did a simple search online for Seattle street hockey (in general) and found a picture of us playing on a Saturday. The picture was through flickr. So, I went to flickr to see what else was there. I found 6 pictures in total. They're pretty good. It's pretty cool, but do any of you remember the clandestine photographer a while back, hunkered down by the dumpster on the other side of the fence? Creepy-ish. These have to be by her. (Three links below).

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Comment by KS on February 8, 2008 at 6:37pm
That would be great. You took some excellent photos. Come back and shoot us anytime!
Comment by Seattle Daily Photo on February 8, 2008 at 10:22am
Hello members,
My Seattle Daily Photo Flickr page had so many visitors linked from this webpage that I clicked on the link and found this discussion of some photos I took from the sidewalk (I can assure you I wasn't near a dumpster, and most everyone playing saw me clearly as I watched for quite a while). I happened upon the game quite by accident while passing Greenwood School I took the shots through the chain link fence.
I have a daily photoblog which features life in Seattle and has a global audience ( ). I featured one of the shots you found on my Flickr page in the blog. It's nice to learn more about the street hockey enthusiasts here in Seattle through your page. I had no idea who was out there playing in the rain while the rest of Seattle seemed to be indoors watching a Seahawks playoff game. If you would like, I can carry the link to this webpage on my blog. Let me know.
Seattle Daily Photo
Comment by Adam on February 5, 2008 at 2:29pm
Oh Seattle, you're so precious!
Comment by dcd on February 5, 2008 at 12:11pm
I think these were from the house straight over the far net (as seen from 80th). I saw a guy snapping photos from under the awning. Funny, my first reaction was to see if anyone was cursing loudly because I thought he might be complaining about us playing hockey:)

Comment by gw on February 5, 2008 at 9:03am
awesome! We should hire her to take more pics and I'll design a table coffee book :-)
Comment by KS on February 4, 2008 at 10:57pm
Actually, some of the comments under the photos are pretty funny.
Comment by Adam on February 4, 2008 at 3:23pm
Those proofs were hard to work with - teal is a film developer's nightmare!
Comment by vp on February 4, 2008 at 3:17pm
Seattle urban scene. I think it's pretty cool! Not creeped out at all. Where's Koh's teal uniform?

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