Here's the Challenge from Seattle post on the Tucson PSHL website. In the comments section, looks like Phoenix also wants in on the action! I'll let everyone know once we have a date.

Start running lines...

details of email exchange below...



Sounds great! I'm talking about the travel game with our guys and will let you know the outcome. We look forward to beating you.


Keep your stick on the concrete,
Tim Bowen

Creative Slice

On Aug 13, 2007, at 7:02 PM, Vincent Payette wrote:

Hey Tim,
Last Saturday at the after game drink up, I told our guys that I've been in trading email with the commish of street hockey Tucson league. We put our alcohol impaired brains together and thought, why don't we challenge those guys to a game? Would your team be up to host a game between our Seattle Street Hockey crew and PIMA in Tucson? We figure it would be fun to go on a tour, check out Tucson and give you guys a game! Whadyathink? For timing, anytime during the famous rainy Seattle Winter (Nov-June!) would be ideal. We would be more than happy to reciprocate anytime in Seattle.
Anyways, let me know if that sounds like something you'd be interested in and let's put a date on the calendar!
I've got to find me a hockey tag line somehow...

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