Looks like prices have gone up since last year. A hospitality suite w/ 24 tickets included is now a cool $5000 before GST. This comes out to about $210/person plus taxes. I'm inclined to watch on TV and buy individual tix for a particular game if others are interested in a road trip to Van. Perhaps we could watch Craigslist and see if there are 6-10 tix for some games once the season starts.


Chuck T.

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Comment by vp on September 5, 2008 at 9:10am
Wow! That's almost a 100% increase from last year AND they have shittier team... Or is it call "rebuilding". People don't seem to care too much. I checked ticketmaster and couldn't find one ticket for any dates...

I'm planning on attending this one :
Sun Feb 15, 2009 Canadiens Canucks 7:00 PM

Probably top $$$ but my habs usually put on a good show. We'll have Sundin signed by then. I'll troll craigslist for tix. Let me know if you want one.

Gainey ain't going to TO Scotty...
Comment by Shnoy on September 2, 2008 at 4:32pm
DAMN! I love my nucks but new mgmt must be hitt'in the Chilliwack chronic pretty hard! This season could be bleak for my boys. Heavy price to pay if they end up play'in like they did last year against the Kings. In these rough eco times I say we meet at yours for big games and potluck it. Pick up some brews from Costco. You just have to host it.

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