Hey everybody, last saturday someone from the church stopped by while we were playing hockey to talk to us about the use of the parking lot. Basically he pointed out they have been turning a blind eye to our board/goal storage, and the games in general, and he was asking if we would be willing to help them with some general cleanup around the buildings where we store our stuff.

I realize philanthropy/volunteerism isn't the strong suit of our group (unless you count putting strippers through college and being big supporters of the booze industry and local bars!), but i think it would be a classy move on our part. It would be a nice thank you to them for their hands off policy and probably reflect well on us with the new incoming Father at the church. If we get 10-12 of us there early on a saturday before we play hockey we could get a lot done without having to spend too much time. It wouldn't be that bad and even Peto's on board-- and that's saying something!


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Comment by vp on July 21, 2008 at 11:33am
I say we hire a couple guys from the millionnaire club while we play hockey. Home Depot also has unlimited bench of grunt work talent. Let's take Koh's slumlord truck and pick a few up. Win win all around
Comment by benny d on July 17, 2008 at 4:19pm
your carbon footprint's sasquatch
Comment by Adam on July 17, 2008 at 2:48pm
I'm Pagan. Do I have to help? Otherwise, gasoline and matches are the best cleanup tools ever!

(Available 7/26, and maybe 8/2. All other August dates unlikely.)
Comment by Carlo on July 17, 2008 at 12:22pm
yea i'm in
Comment by Mark Mackend on July 17, 2008 at 10:34am
Definitely a good idea. I havent even played with you guys yet and id be down ;)
Comment by Vic on July 16, 2008 at 11:30pm
Maybe after we help them out they could sponsor our team. We could become “The Saints”…
ok just kidding …I’m in, what time is everyone showing up?
Comment by ML on July 16, 2008 at 10:43pm
I'd be totally in. Lord knows I need the, uh, Lord on my side these days :)
Comment by Rainer on July 16, 2008 at 9:57pm
Who's the dude. That seems totally fair. We should approach the church, ask what we should try to get done and get a bunch of us to make it happen. I'm in. Pointing out that we'd be willing probably goes a long way. If he was specific then ignore my last statement but if not:
It would suck to go through the effort of trying to show some goodwill and not have it recognized in case some people have been complaining. Just playing the political angle.
Heck if it's some organized day where the church takes care of things (Kelly believes we've been approached before), we get a few of us to volunteer some time (wear the jerseys) and we look like saints.
Comment by chris koh on July 16, 2008 at 7:34pm
Yes the Good Lord will only sprinkle the best omens on those who volunteer and participate in good deeds. I'll contact the gentlemen and get an idea of what task they're seeking assistance on. Let's be great stewards of this facility we've used for several years, eh. Chris

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