"We Have a Trade to Announce!"

Hi everyone,

I moved to Vancouver, BC, a few weeks ago. I know I haven't been in SSH for as long as most folks here, but playing hockey with you all was a highlight of my time in Seattle and I feel compelled to say a few words.

Jake, it all started with you graciously inviting me to my first game. Ray, the stick you lent me was the second time I ever touched a hockey stick at all! And to everyone else, thank you for welcoming me into the community. I didn't make it widely known that I had zero hockey experience, but I want you all to know now that you brought a brand new person into the game and gave him so much joy all those Saturdays.

Special thanks to everyone that took time to give specific instruction or advice along the way, and continued to do so even after being hit by my errant slap shots. I could name half the club, but I have to shout-out: Cam, Dan, Dean, James, Jared, and Ryan.

There's one more thing I'll always remember and cherish. For a long time, it was my dream to be part of a sports team and win a championship... Aaron, Ajay, Jim, Mark, Sam, Sam, and Scott, you all made that dream come true at the Everett Tournament - honourary mention to Erik for adding me to the team! Thank you for a memory of a lifetime.

Y'all have something special here at SSH. I wish everyone the best, and I hope the club continues to grow. I'm planning to visit Seattle every month or so, when COVID is over, and would love to play again on those weekends.


Cheeky P.S. - My only regret is I did not score the series-winning goal at a Can-Am Tournament before leaving. The resulting celly would've tormented the US team (and Cam) for ages.

Views: 462


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Comment by Josh on July 19, 2020 at 11:25am

@Mike: I'm afraid money is definitely an object, haha, so I'm looking around Burnaby at the moment.

@Vinny: Thank you!

@Cam: Would that be Henry Hudson Elementary? When did y'all play? Thanks, Cam! And all riiiiiight, if you insist.

Comment by Cam Green on July 17, 2020 at 10:04am

Hey Josh, just saw this, haven't been on the site in a while. You'll definitely get opportunities to play up in Vancouver. Speaking of Kitsilano, I played in a league back when I was about your age, at the school on the corner of Cornwall & Cypress, maybe check that out if you get a chance. Good luck up north, hope you score a few OT winners down the road (just act like you've been there before :)

Comment by vp on July 17, 2020 at 9:36am

congrats on the move and good luck!

Comment by ML on July 16, 2020 at 9:00pm

If money is no object, Kitsilano is a great area.

Comment by Josh on July 11, 2020 at 5:59pm

Hey Dan, the pleasure was mine. Haha, thanks for your help along the way! Also, trying to defend against you in-game is always a learning moment.

Definitely; I'm hoping to surprise y'all by the time I visit next :P thank you, and likewise!

Comment by Dan D on July 9, 2020 at 12:11pm

You prepared us for this moment for a while Josh ... but always bittersweet when it actually happens!

Thanks for being part of the street hockey community here. For a guy who never played, you improved really quickly in a very short period of time.

Hope you keep developing your game in up there in Vancouver ... there may be more leagues to play! And whenever this corona is over, do drop by to play !

Cheers and stay safe!


Comment by Josh on July 8, 2020 at 10:08pm

Thanks, Mike! I've been at my fiancee's, haha, but I'm looking for my own place - so still TBD.

Comment by ML on July 7, 2020 at 8:37am

Good luck in the future, Josh! What area of Vancouver are you in?

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