Thanks for another great Can-Am game

Thanks to everyone for a great Can-Am game yesterday. Even though we lost, there was some great hockey, tempers were mostly held in check, and everyone had a good time.


Congratulations to Cory for winning the Koh Smythe. Enjoy that T-shirt sweater this year. Thank you especially for hosting all of us at your house.

Thanks to Mike Laing for overall coordination and working on the BBQ - the food truck was a great addition.

Thanks to Benny and Vincent for captaining and setting the rosters - I know it can be a pain trying to get everyone together.

Special thanks to Steve for some emergency medical repairs, and then returning to play the last game of the series, as well as work on the BBQ.

Thanks to all of the returning players from both sides, and the new ones to this rivalry.

Looking forward to hockey next week and the next Can-Am game - the US victory will feel all the sweeter after all these years.


Views: 134


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Comment by Adam on June 20, 2012 at 11:04pm

I had a great time. Thanks Ben. Screw you LAingher!

Comment by ML on June 20, 2012 at 5:05pm

As long as we're being all warm and fuzzy on this post, Jim Kirk needs a shoutout for his performance on Saturday. We were forced to change our defensive tactics every time you stepped on the ice.  Out of all of Team USA, you were the most dangerous (in my opinion, and no offense to the others).  Well done.

Comment by ML on June 18, 2012 at 4:44pm

Here's a teaser.

Comment by Alan on June 18, 2012 at 4:23pm

How about videos of the party? Are you sure you want to see them!

Comment by vp on June 18, 2012 at 12:49pm

Indeed, not much to add other than I feel lucky for knowing this bunch of clowns! May there be many more CanAms in our future! 1-2-3 CANADA!

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