If you are interested in playing for Team USA on June 16 at the annual CanAm series email me at:


It's easier to communicate cohesively via email, and besides it's always fun to find out about the leaks and who they came from after the games are over whilst holding a beer...

But in fairness I will say there is no secrecy in the US strategy and in good faith post the team itinerary publicly. 

peace out

Benny D

every Mon, Wed, Fri 6:00am run around Greenlake*

*on Fridays bring your stick as we will run through the woods and channel some of that Iroquois magic like those lacrosse players

every Thr -- mandatory practice 6:00 - 9:00pm

every Fri -- video night:

5/18 Miracle - Mike Eruzione bobblehead night

5/25 Video review of practices - special guest Coach Steve Konowalchuk (US born coach of Seattle Thunderbirds)

6/1 1980 USA vs RUS - Herb Brooks candlelight vigil at Adams Elementary Rink

6/9 1996 USA vs CAN World Cup of Hockey - Brett Hull Appreciation Night (sorry Buffalo)

6/15 Saliba US Naturalization Video viewing party fundraiser - nothing says American more than cold hard cash; if we raise enough money he would likely play for Team USA

every Sat play street hockey

Views: 99


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Comment by Sharif Tai on May 18, 2012 at 1:55pm

I'm certainly in - looking forward to playing. Dan and I can platoon in goal.

Comment by Shnoy on May 15, 2012 at 7:37pm

OMG. I've created a monster. :)

I suggest the losing team buy all the beer. If that doesn't motivate, I don't know what will. 

Comment by Adam on May 13, 2012 at 5:34pm

When are tryouts?

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