Hey guys we have a group that plays street hockey every Saturday in northern Utah. I always had a feeling there were other groups like us that play, but I never seemed to hear about them. Do you guys play on rollerblades or do you just play on foot? We are trying to get a rink built here and I was wondering if you have any advice. We seem to get kicked off the tennis courts and everywhere else isn't enclosed so we are always chasing the ball. Do you know about any directories that list groups that play street hockey? Something like that would be really helpful.

You can find more info at SchoolyardPuck.com. It is a site dedicate to street hockey.

Views: 378


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Comment by vp on September 24, 2010 at 4:05pm
Welcome to our corner of the world. We're also trying to get a rink build and have had no luck so far.
Comment by Keegan on September 21, 2010 at 10:18pm
Nice, I'll check em out, thanks!
Comment by Ken Cashman on September 21, 2010 at 12:48pm

I am glad to hear you are still playing in Utah. There used to be a Dekhockey rink in Salt Lake. Check out our website - www.ashihockey.org to see a directory as you requested. The site also has rulebooks, tournament info and more. Mylec also offers a real affordable rink solutions with dasher boards and surfaces. You can check that info out at www.mylec.com.

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