Sin City Shootout 2nd Annual Team Awards

What can I say? We played great, we had many deserving candidates, but the legitimate hardware from the Sin City Shootout avoided us again. I truly believe that we had some solid contenders for tournament MVP, top forward, and top dman, but I don't believe anyone has received the a call with a UPS tracking number.

Alas, we will cash in next year, but until then I present to you our team tournament awards.

The Hardy Boys Award: Vinny Payette and John Peto.

Never have we seen a duo work in tandem so well since the brothers who the award is named after. Their ability to know what each other is thinking without any forethought is uncanny. They come through for the entire team no matter how much sleep they get, and their constant laughs and smiles make everyone feel welcome.

Hopefully these skills will also translate a to the rink next year.
The Hardest Worker Award: Geoff Werbicki

Geoff Werbicki really put forth an effort this year, and was absolutely stellar in the final game of the tournament. He forced plays, stole balls, and truly gave us a chance to win. His intensity level was definitely at its peak when it most counted.

As a team, I know I speak for everyone when I say, "We liked that, and know you must work hard at that."

The Actions Speak Louder than Words Award: Dan "Mandingo" Manderino

Not to be confused with the award I was up for this year, The Words Speak Louder than Actions Award, Dan came through like a champ. Undoing his Sin City Legacy for one of the worst goals scored last year, almost all of Dan's goals against were caused by a weak Tsunami Penalty Kill. His quiet demeanor is found on an unlikely team, but he leads by an example all follow into battle.

The fact that we have more chatter out of Gerardo than we do Dan, is a testament to his dedication to this award, and may be a lock for years to come.

I Put the "Class" in Classic Award: Benny Dickinson

Benny really is one of a kind. One second he's hamming it up with a few dick jokes and impressions, the next he's reciting quadratic equations while doing an impression of Carlo. At one point Benny literally was doing a 5 minute stand-up comedy routine, but the most amazing fact was he held out attention for 5 minutes.

I changed the award from Classy to Classic, even though in our 3 days in Vegas I only witnessed one person floor two men with a single headlock just feet away from a pitboss, and end up in Ranger's choke hold only minutes later, followed by a full denial and no recollection the following morning...capping with a two goal game.

Keep it Classy Benny D., you might be American but nobody does "Classic" like you do.

The Angriest Man in the Room Award(with the best hair and game): David Doucette

This was a very close call this year, as Adam was on quite a roll following the 3-0 loss we suffered under his coaching. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the line angry and emotional line changing discussion between Dave and Adam, but was left to dream about the interaction at a very sketchy Mexican restaurant.

Dave again brought this passion to the ice, showing a flare for the dramatic, when he pinched in the offensive zone, ultimately playing a key role in the setup of the game winner with 30 seconds left.
What clinched the deal in Doucette's favour was the early statement of his life coaching motto, "I hate all people." Adam on the other hand love's everyone in anger, while Dave is just angry.

The Most Improved Award: Kevin Saliba

It is doubtful President Saliba has ever received one of these awards. They are typically set aside for a flunky student who turns his grades from D's to C's. Something tell's me the only time Kevin saw a pair of C's or D's was on a roadtrip with the boys in college.

My typical reaction to anyone who receives such an award is, "Wow, just how bad were they?" but this reaction does not apply in this case.
I was fortunate to play on a line with Kevin, and he showed an eagerness to learn, play better position, and came through huge in the set up of multiple goals, as well as the game winner to reach the semi-finals. One of the most telling things that happened, was with about 6 minutes left in the final game, with Reiner and I sucking wind on the bench, Kevin says, "We're going to get the next one." He charges out, grinds in the corner for an entire minute, and sets Reiner up for a wrap around. We didn't score, but Kevin came through like a champ.

Best Forward Award: Reiner Germann

This eggshell of a man, with glass ankles came through huge for our team. He scored multiple goals, set up others, didn't get injured, and played a consistent game of pressure with intelligence. I didn't hear his name mentioned all that much after our wins or losses, but there was always constant pressure in the offensive zone when he was out there.
The fact that he remained injury free might be an anomaly but I like to think of it as a trend.

Best Defenseman: Scott Macquarrie

This was a tough call because or defense this year was stellar. I am unsure how you get a more solid group of D than Scotty Mac, Doucette, Craig, Ovie, koh, and Steer, so it was a hard choice.

Scott rather silently battled back there, stopping multiple goals with his body, hands, and stick. He followed such performances with roasting his ex-teammates on DC Death Row, after overcoming a cross check smothering of his head/neck by a real life Ogie Oglethorpe.

Scott's a champ.

The Jeff Foxworthy: You Might be as Smart as Redneck 5th Grader Award: Keith
I mean it with love.

'nuff said y'all.

Alot has already been said about our stellar play, and I wish their were awards for everyone, but my brain is tapped. A special thanks for to Steer and Henry for traveling to be a part of the team. To Craig for getting down there in an untimely but awesome fashion. Also to Rob Anthony, Keith, Adam, and Koh for supporting the team, and at times being our errand boys. Huge helps, and we all appreciate it.

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Comment by GG on February 28, 2009 at 1:21pm
Peto: Let's clarify something as your roomate. You slept for at least 15 minutes that final night before the quarterfinals.

Let's not forget the three 5-10 minute cat naps. So you slept at least 45 minutes.

You're a trooper.
Comment by Peto on February 28, 2009 at 12:14pm
My favourite was the "he's an angry little man" chant for Doucette. I probably only like it so much because I started it but it makes me happy none the less. Thanks boys. It was a blast. Next year my goal is to get a goal in addition to the recognition for operating without sleep for 3 days. It's not the same with just the latter.
Comment by vp on February 26, 2009 at 12:44pm
Nice post bubs. In the same spirit, here's my takeaways from Vegas 2009 :

- Litwin's pimp daddy suite upgrade. 2000 sq.ft. of stupidity.
- Horrible music between faceoffs. Def Leppard and Bon Jovi in heavy rotation. Did they have to play the flintstones theme everytime the namesake team played
- We need to get Dan bigger gear. DC's goalie equipment was double the size of Dan's. No net to shoot at.
- Craig flying to Vegas in a pinch making it 10 mins into the 3rd game.
- Shootout loss. We deserved the win.

Good times boys. I'm taking a Kovalev break for now but will be back better and angrier. Cheers!
Comment by DAM on February 25, 2009 at 11:03am
That post was fantastic! I will make it a goal for the next year to work on "using my words". It was said before, but thanks to everyone who organized, played and went down to Vegas. I had a blast this weekend. My goal coming into this tourney was to not "give up another horrific goal like last year" (Graeme - You are kind, but we all know it was not "one of the worst goals...", but "'THE' worst goal..."). I think I did that - although, I did put a scare into everyone at the end of that 3rd game. I saw all your faces on the bench!!! Next year (heck, if I make the team!), will be to work on shootouts - or maybe not to let Rob score that goal on me like he did in the first game! Thanks again.

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