I took the liberty of making a new post for this week-end's game. As Mike said, the weather will be perfect. We need two goalies....Dan? Shariff? VP--are your pads in the shed just in case?

GAME ON AT 1pm. I will be there to set up at 12:50. Who is in?

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Comment by jeff on December 5, 2009 at 12:04pm
I will probably just go straight to Adams to set up before 1pm

Can one of you guys grab some extra balls from the shed? if you're really ambitious, bring a full-sized goal lest Dan looks like 'the Monster.'

also maybe check for anyone who didn't get the memo. perhaps leave a note on dumpster.
Comment by ML on December 5, 2009 at 11:46am
Just drove by at 11:30 and they're already setting up for the bike rodeo. Who holds a bike event in December ?! I'll check their for you guys first and if not then at Adams elementary. Vince and Kevin keep your phones close.
Comment by vp on December 5, 2009 at 11:29am
IN. Need to get out of the house. Cold but blue bird! Me likey. We'll play somewhere else if school busy.
Comment by Katherine Cortes on December 5, 2009 at 10:02am
I'll be there but not until closer to 2pm. I'll look for you guys at Adams if not at Greenwood.
Comment by Sharif Tai on December 5, 2009 at 9:52am
I won't be able to make it at 1, but I doubt we'll be able to play there today anyway. Someone send me a text if we can actually play there today. I'm up for a Sunday game if that works for other people.
Comment by jeff on December 5, 2009 at 9:49am
o.k. to take by ear, but can I suggest an alternative?

I still plan to show up before 1pm to scope things out. If it looks good, I'll drag a net or two over.

If it looks bleak (full of bikes, etc.) maybe we go to Adams elementary? (NW 62nd street and 26th ave NW). This is just a block or two from my house and I can drag over my own two goals (which are slightly smaller--4'-6"x3')

even without boards it's somewhat contained. today's just too damn nice to not play!

any other ideas welcome, but that's my plan.
Comment by DAM on December 5, 2009 at 9:32am
Back and in goal - unless there ends up not being a game.
Comment by benny d on December 5, 2009 at 8:46am
doesn't look good. i remember them taking up the whole playground-- except for the year it was raining and they were in the covered basketball court-- and the bike activities are listed from 12:00 to 3:30 pm.

play it by ear, but let's remember that we can't play at st. john's anymore so if by chance we are inconvenienced this week to keep our manners about us and not make any waves at greenwood elementary. i think we managed to recover pretty quickly from the shed incident so let's stay in the good graces . . .
Comment by jeff on December 5, 2009 at 8:15am
all the reason to start early--right?

I say GAME ON--let's keep it at 1pm and see what happens. goalies? where are you?!
Comment by KS on December 4, 2009 at 8:43pm
I doubt this is a big problem. You think they'll be outside for any of this other than the bike ride? The ride doesn't even show up to Gwood until ~3. I say we play on.

I am worried about goalies though

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