Hi Guys and Gals,
you should check out Floorball...it would be great to get this going in Seattle, we have some teams and a small league in BC, and we travel to Cali, Toronto, Montreal, NYC etc. the competition is always fierce, the skill level is absolutely sick and if you check out the European site www.xfloor.tv you will see that this game is huge over there, and we have to get with the times, because Floorball is the fastest growing brand of hockey in the world.

Floorball Canada- www.floorballcanada.ca
US Floorball- http://www.usafloorball.org/


Views: 191


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Comment by Adam on February 26, 2009 at 10:10pm
Mike, you obviously don't get me. Here's my secret: I like to convey the illusion that I don't know what's going on, that my head is lost in another world, that all I care about are crystals, natural highs, goodwill, and the ever-present, drippingly-real, high-chroma hues. And then...when their defenses drop...SHA-POOPY! GOAL!
Comment by ML on February 26, 2009 at 6:13pm
Adam, I think what they're saying (between the lines) is we don't need no stinking floorball. We play streethockey. Every saturday. Rain or shine.
Comment by Adam on February 25, 2009 at 6:37pm
I don't get you guys.
Comment by GG on February 25, 2009 at 4:50pm
VP - You and David Hasselhoff.

This post rules.
Comment by vp on February 25, 2009 at 12:57pm
I'm huge in Germany.

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