(originally posted on May 5, 2010)
There's a lot to digest here, so pour a refreshing beverage, have a seat, curse the Sabres, and pay attention:
The City of Seattle wants to make use of vacant lots whose projects have fallen by the wayside due to the crappy economy or whatever. They're asking
ANYONE to submit ideas to make good use of the spaces, even temporarily.
(if the link doesn't work, go to and look for vacant lots)
We are always talking about what a pipedream it would be to have our own space to play in. This is it. This could lead to something
Pay close attention to the requirements. At this point I'm not 100% sure on leading this sojourn into fantasy land. I am thinking
about it.
Here's what I'm asking from you: Just think about what you COULD contribute to the four-page narrative that the city is asking
for. I am looking for people who could provide:
1) statisical data - When, who, and how long have we been around? How many members? what is the rate at which new members join? The
dates and places of the events/tourneys that we have participated in?
2) image and production - Graphics, pictures, the ability to produce a letterhead and/or a .pdf file. The ability to merge a
photograph of a potential site with a rendering of a "rink" overlayed
onto the photo. A well done, professional presentation (especailly
within a brief narrative) would go a long way in persuading the city to
look more closely at us. I'm also looking for several quality pics that are representative of our group - pics from Vegas, Can-Am tourneys, whatever. I know they're immersed in this website - pull them out and send them to me.

3) logistical data - How big a space do we need? Min and max requirements (measurements). Fencing/boards suggestions (good, better,
best). This area will dictate how feasible our needs are. Perhaps
referencing that dedicated outdoor space near the airport (name?) would
be helpful.
I'm willing to quarterback this thing. If I receive the pieces, I'll put it together and be our contact for Seattle. What I need is people to volunteer to pick up assignments. Don't wait to get a personal invitation to do something. Look up above, choose something you can do, and let me know. If you want to pick up an assignment, comment as much so we all know, then send me a message thru this website. (In order to send a message we have to be "friends" here, right? So invite me, or I'll invite you...) We'll exchange emails; I'd rather work with you directly through email to expedite the process.

PLEASE KEEP HAPPY THOUGHTS AND WORTHLESS CHATTER TO A MINIMUM. It will be a pain the ass to sift through all the info (hopefully) that will be flowing through the following comments. I will use the comments to post assignments and keep you all updated.

Here's to our future! HERE'S TO SEATTLE STREET HOCKEY!

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Comment by Steve W on May 17, 2010 at 12:12pm
Hey Adam, I scouted out a location today. 1101-1207 block of Westlake, just north of Jillians. Here's some photos:

You can see where the building was torn down, the remaining concrete floor is pretty darn smooth and flat. We could use the existing yellow building as a 'board' along that long side. That was we'd only need to construct boards on 3 sides. Pass along any info you have gathered already to me if you want to pass on coordination duties. I'll send you more in an email.
Comment by Adam on May 17, 2010 at 11:00am
Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Buffalo Sabres.
That's where all this is going.
Although I hear some enthusiasm out there, no one has offered me any of the info that I've asked for (see below in the comments). It's pretty simple. I get info, I put it together. If I don't, then someone else may do this.
I will not be waiting until Friday 5/21 to put this all together, nor do I have time to spend on this during the weekend.
So good luck to whoever wants to take this over...

Jason - thanks for looking into bids on rinks, etc.. Hold onto that info (or send it to me). The city will balk at that right away as they are interested in temporary setups. My opinion is to ask for a chin link fence similar to that of a tennis court, with boards (of pressure treated wood) around the inside perimeter. We can always suggest good/better/best ideas.

1) Give me a rough guess of the space (dimensions, L x W) we need to play in - give me minumum and ideal.
2) Although probably not necessary at this point, what would be the approximate cost to fence in such an area?

DEADLINE to submit narratives to city is May 24th.
Comment by Adam on May 5, 2010 at 11:18pm
From Schnoy: "KUOW 94.9 "The Conversation" with Ross Reynolds had a segment today on
this exact thing. I called in and got on the radio. Said I was with
SSH and we needed a place to play with a rink like structure.

At least they know who we are now."


And from Sharif: "Here's a link:

Schneuer comes on about 14 minutes in. Great job spreading the word, although the host seemed more enthused about the giant water bucket idea for some strange reason."

Comment by Adam on May 5, 2010 at 11:13pm
Deadline: sometime next week, 5/12 at the latest would be great
This can be divided into parts.
1) Info on who, how, when this group started.
2) How many members? How many active members? Rate of new membership? We want to boast how popular we are.
3) Other local stats. Don't we have the 5th largest city (GSL) hockey league in the country?! If you got stats about this sport here in Seattle, I want it!
4) Events. Name the events. How long have they been running? Vegas, Can-Am, tourneys, inter-city scrimmages, whatever. It's simple. Put it together in a nice package and send it to me.
5) Pictures. Representative of who we are, what we do, and what a great group of guys we are. I know they're buried in this website, but consider me teknologickly challenged and put it in a nice package and send it to me.

DEADLINE to submit narratives to city is May 24th.
Comment by Adam on May 5, 2010 at 11:00pm
1) I called the Design Commission to ask for a listing of vacant sites the city would like to convert. There is no list. Basically, you see one, there it is.
2) Jeff the architect is on board for creating a montage of an existing/design picture IF it comes to that. If. Thanks Jeff!

Deadline: sometime next week, 5/12 at the latest would be great
Open to everyone.
Make note of potential lots. Jot down the address (approximate). Get a picture if you can. Make a mental note about size, condition of the grounds (flat, paved, rubble, etc). We don't know to what extent the city is willing to "develop" one of these temporary sites, so it would be helpful for us to have a few in mind. If the lot is too small for us, then don't bother. Then send this info to me (including pics and brief descript) and everyone else so we can take look.

A note about pictures. If you can, be mindful of the size of file you plan on sending over email. Preferably scale it suitable for email so its not a huge file and/or it has to be manipulated. Most likely we'll include a picture(s) in the narrative.

DEADLINE to submit narratives to city is May 24th.

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