Building Courts for hocky and BIke polo

They folks, I am matt Messenger with Seattle bike polo, and I am really close to getting some courts build suitable for street/inline hockey, dodge ball and bike polo. These tentative courts will be used for all and are tennis courts currently. I wish to gather contact names and numbers of organizers of the hockey clubs in town. I can be reached at 206.300.0693 or Thanks for your time. imagine one game of street hockey beside a game of bike polo... now thats a full day..

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Comment by dcd on January 9, 2010 at 12:46pm
Hi Matt- I've been in touch with the city and one of the folks there mentioned that the Bike Polo league was looking to build/have a surface too. I'll get in touch with you direct via e-mail. Thanks for posting on this site.

Comment by Rob Anthony on January 8, 2010 at 5:18pm
A prior post mentioned Judkins Park, which is in central Seattle right above the I-90 tunnel.
Comment by vp on January 8, 2010 at 12:49am
Wow, that's pretty exciting! Any idea where? Tell me it's in Seattle. I emailed Matt my contact info. Feel free to do the same. The more cooks in the kitchen, the better. You may want to email Matt Booth : He was involved in the now defunct rollerblade league.

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