We had a wet one today. It seemed the darkest cloud hung over Greenwood Elementary while blue skies appeared to the north and south. Pond hockey no doubt!

I'm terrible at remembering the highlights of the day's game, so please post your comments if you have something to add.

Despite the wet we had some great games today. I'm really liking the four-on-four scenarios. It keeps the game open and allows for a lot easier and better movement. Today the play was excellent with a lot of cycling, good passes, great goaltending, and some terribly accurate shots. The boards are certainly allowing for some hard play along them and in the corners. What a relief! The short benches killed me today as I was more exhausted than usual at the last game's end. I'm still reeling. I think...

Vinny, you said it pretty perfectly about what makes it so great to be here and play: after a week of work or whatever, with speak of kudos or goals or imperatives or the bottom line or blah blah blah, it all disappears when you're in the game - breaking up a play, blocking the impossible-to-block shot, setting up an assist, making a crisp clean pass, receiving the ball right on the tape...and right, we're not getting paid for it - all of these things feel great, but it's scoring that goal that tastes so sweet! Once in awhile I put in a beauty, and to me it feels like glass: a good handle, a solid release, and for a split second time stops - and it's like I ride that ball all the way to the net. Goal!

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Comment by vp on March 18, 2008 at 10:28pm
Highlights were the kick save by Dan and post game Sessions Lager + Koh's chinese beef jerky in the parking lot. Ja mon. Pics added to the album.

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