5th Annual Canada vs USA game - June 4th


The 5th annual Canada vs USA game is set for Saturday June 4th, starting at 12:00 noon @ Adams Elementary.  As in years past, this is a best-of-7 game series, with game winners being defined as the first team to reach 5 goals.  A family-friendly celebration BBQ will be held thereafter.


Roster space is limited.  Unfortunately we cannot accommodate anyone and everyone who shows up for the game.  Preference will be given to the players who come out to our weekly games on a regular basis.  Showing up once a year just for the Can/Am game won't guarantee you a roster spot. 

If you are interested in playing for either Team Canada or Team USA, you must submit your name to the appropriate team captain for their consideration no later than May 15th.  Team captains are:


Team Canada: Vincent Payette

Team USA: Benny Dickinson


If you are neither an American nor a Canadian citizen but still want to play in the Can/Am game, send me your name and country of birth.  The team captains and I will work out a fair and balanced determination of what team you should play on.



The choice of which rules to be enforced, and whether we'll have a referee this year like we did in 2009, are under consideration by me and the captains.  At the very least, high-sticking and out-of-bounds will be enforced, on an honor system by the players if we don't have a ref.  More to come on this.



Team USA wears blue, Team Canada wears red.  No black instead of blue, no pink instead of red, and definitely no gray.  No exceptions!



Volunteers are needed for the following roles:

  • Hosting the BBQ
  • Grillman/woman at the BBQ
  • Scorekeepers/statskeepers

If you or someone you know is interested, please contact me at mdlaing @ hotmail.






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Comment by ML on April 20, 2011 at 8:57pm

Yes, game is confirmed for June 4th.  Tony, email Benny if you want on team USA, he's setting their roster.  Haven't seen you out since last Can/Am game so who knows if he'll let you play ;)


For those with dual Canadian and American citizenships (e.g. Cam Green), your country of birth defines which team you play for.  If you're born outside of both USA and Canada (e.g. Robert Quaak), but hold citizenship in one of them, that's who you play for.  Anything more complicated than that will be hashed out by the team Captains. 


If you fall into one of those questionable categories, be sure to say so when you email the captains to submit your name for consideration onto the rosters.

Comment by KS on April 20, 2011 at 8:33pm
Where were you born Cam?
Comment by jeff on April 20, 2011 at 3:07pm

team USA claims Cam Green

Comment by Tony Muhlenkamp on April 20, 2011 at 3:03pm
Is the game confirmed for June 4?  Heard key players maybe gone?
Comment by Cam Green on April 16, 2011 at 11:31pm
Vinny/Benny, I'm a dual citizen, so will play wherever needed, just let me know.
Comment by vp on April 1, 2011 at 5:15pm

Nicely done buddy. Email me directly if you want to play on winning team: vpayette(at)hotmail.com

We're going for the 5-peat!

Comment by Adam on March 30, 2011 at 10:31pm
I'm having a SECRET practice. Right now. With myself. (Shhhhh)
Comment by benny d on March 28, 2011 at 1:04pm

very organized mike ;)


USA send me an email directly.  also let me know if you have a preference regarding position: forward or defense is specific enough.  





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