Greetings All,

I just wanted to take a moment to touch base with a little information about the 2010 Sin Shootout Street Hockey Tournament in Las Vegas, Nevada. To avoid Olympic conflict, the dates were moved from February to January in 2010. I’ve submitted the tourney deposit and now it’s time to put together a roster and the balance.

The tournament starts at 7:00am on Friday, Jan 22 so the plan will be to fly in on Thursday evening. Everyone is on their own for flights (most flew by Alaska or Southwest) and I’ll send out some hotel arrangements after the roster is set.

In going to Vegas, it’s about having fun and I’d like everyone who’s been part of these trips to keep going. If we get through this list and have 16-18 players, that’s what we will go with. If we have more, that’s what we’ll go with. If we have less than 16 players, we’ll open up spots to make the roster 16. The baseline will be “if you pay, you play” and we’ll take equal shifts up with the exception of the final 5 minutes of the game if it’s close.

To get things rolling and to get a roster confirmed, please send me an e-mail to confirm you are going to Vegas and please send a check for $50 by November 13. I will send an e-mail as soon as possible after that to confirm the roster and to give notice about any open roster spots. The plan is to have the team all set by December 1.


David Doucette
419 13th Ave E, #201
Seattle, WA, 98101

2010 Sin City Shootout - Rules and Overview.doc

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Comment by Paul Quayle on November 6, 2009 at 1:41pm
its gonna be Snipe City, Ovie sEMEN HOOK UP FO SHO
Comment by Brad Marsh on November 6, 2009 at 11:21am
ya the stratosphere was ghetto fa show! i'm staying at the sahara only because its so cheap and close to the court. but wherever u guys stay i'm gonna come party with you f*ckers ha! oh and yah you can drink her under the table because she doesnt drink or smoke, she just goes to school and snipes goals like me, except for the school part hahah.
Comment by Shnoy on November 5, 2009 at 7:02pm
Not sure on the digs but i'll go with the majority. I trust most people have pretty good taste. The place most of the dudes had last year looked good. Just can't do the Jerry Springer preferred accomodations again (Strato). Roof top pool and the bar in the tower was cool though.
Comment by benny d on November 5, 2009 at 4:18pm
my g/f can shoot better than you benny :)

well, that's not saying much!

i can drink her under the table tho ; -D
Comment by Brad Marsh on November 5, 2009 at 2:40pm
yes! good to hear greg! where's everybody thinkin about staying at?
Comment by Shnoy on November 5, 2009 at 12:29pm
I'm In for Vegas!!
Comment by Brad Marsh on November 5, 2009 at 2:41am
ha my girlfriend can skate faster than anybody in this league..she makes me a better player if anything, ha..and i don't check that league because i got like 5 other fantasy leagues i gotta keep track of so i don't have and paul as a winger is prime time and scotty will tear it up as well..i would prefer playing D w/ paul actually so i get more ice time..i'm also playing on a coed team too fyi..and ya its not that i dont think you guys want me on the team..i just wanna know if my buddy can be on the team asap because ive been playing w/ him since i was 4 so we'd help out big time for sure..and if not than i wanna know asap so i can get him on a coed team w/ me or something..and my g/f can shoot better than you benny :) ha just thought i'd throw that out there..lata
Comment by benny d on November 4, 2009 at 9:30pm
dude your girlfriend is turning you into a pussy, ha

why wouldn't people want you on the team? who will eat the left-overs?

scotty and i as a winger pair will trounce you and your boyfriend paul in the points totals-- bring it!!

bliss assist: holmstrom riding the pine again this week, wtf?!
Comment by Brad Marsh on November 4, 2009 at 6:40pm
it's roller hockey league rules: two halves of 15 minutes. if the game is close than the last 2 minutes is stoppage time...i got my flight and hotel room already booked so if u don't want me on the team let me know so i can find a rec team or play with those Canadians or something. thanks peace.
Comment by Brad Marsh on November 2, 2009 at 4:00pm
I think the maximum to a team is 18 players. and if they allow more than 18 than guys are gonna average 1 to 1-1/2 shifts per half. There are two halves in a game and they don't last very long. Just throwing that out there. I think its halves, its either halves or 1/3rds ha? And a shift is supposed to last 30 - 45 seconds, so that's not much playing time for a game..but I'd be happy to play with you guys again so let me know how the lineups looking and if we need anybody I'd be more than happy to do some recruiting in the Upper Michigan area... :) go wings! and tsunami! peace.

SSH Bank

SSH bank balance is at $75. Thanks to everyone who paid their dues. You can always donate to the ssh general fund by clicking the button below:



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