June 2015 Blog Posts (11)

Canada Day - Wednesday Night Hockey 7/1/15 @ 6:30pm

Happy Canada Day!

In honour of Canada Day, let's celebrate the right way -- with a game of street hockey.

We've got 1 goalie, how about another? Mark? Dan? Sharif?

Who else is in? Alan, have you recovered from your sprained rectum…


Added by Dean on June 28, 2015 at 9:51pm — 9 Comments

Sat June 27 warm and dry; let's play

Both Nik and Mark confirmed they would play goal for us. It's Nik's last time, let's send him out with a bang.

Added by Steven Stivers on June 26, 2015 at 3:45pm — 10 Comments

Canada-America Society's "Canada Day USA" celebration

Posting this at request of Koh because he doesn't know how to internet yet.

Canada-America Society's "Canada Day USA" celebration

Saturday June 27, 2015

5:00PM - 10:00PM

Includes BBQ Meal & Beverages. BYOB in effect.…


Added by ML on June 20, 2015 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

6/20/15 1pm

I'm in. Who else?

Added by Dean on June 19, 2015 at 8:09pm — 12 Comments

Can-Am Score Sheet?

Can someone post the score sheet from Can-Am? I didn't get a chance to see it at the bbq. Thanks in advance!

Added by Sam on June 17, 2015 at 3:30pm — No Comments

We raised $372 for Cancer!!!

Good job everyone for SSH raised $372 during the 2015 Can/Am BBQ, which has been matched by a 'certain' Corporate Sponsor and split between two organization (Leukemia Lymphoma Society, and Retinoblastoma International Inc).  That is $372 to each organization.

I want to thank Darren-"work gloves" for helping organizing this fund raiser, and SSH for their great generosity to support these causes that effect our immediate community.                                       

Added by Ovi on June 12, 2015 at 12:32pm — 1 Comment

Ball Hockey Tournament

Not sure if everyone is aware, but last few years the Silvertips have been hosting a Ball Hockey Tournament.

Last year my team won the adult recreational league, and won tickets to a private box for 16 people for a game of our choice.

We signed up again this year, but in the competitive division, as the recreational divisionis going with a "shooter tutor" (Cutout goalie) instead of actual goalies.

If anyone is interested, sign-ups have started!…


Added by Ryan Gabrielli on June 10, 2015 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Wednesday evening 3v3

Hey all,

Mark Jim and I were planning on dropping in to Salmon bay Wednesday evening. Mark has offered to play in net, so we're thinking of playing short court 3v3.

It will be fun! Who's in?

Added by Tanner Kalstrom on June 8, 2015 at 7:38pm — 6 Comments

Can/Am BBQ 2015 - 5:30pm - EVERYONE WELCOME

While the annual Can/Am game itself is limited participation due to roster constraints, the post-game BBQ Extravaganza is open to all SSH members and their families!!  This party just gets better every year, and continuing from the success of last year the 2015 Can/Am BBQ will again be held at Doucette's house overlooking Lake Union.

  • Bring the kids! There will be an even bigger bouncy house than last year!

  • Bring your appetite and thirst! Food…

Added by ML on June 2, 2015 at 11:56am — No Comments

SSH Fights Cancer at Can-Am

Updating with some extra info. Ovi has again generously offered to make our donation through his work, which will match funds and double our amount. Thanks Ovi! Money raised will go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: http://www.lls.org/

So, if you are able and willing, please bring a few bucks ($5-$10?) to toss in the box for a donation to fighting cancer.

Thanks, see ya…


Added by Darren on June 1, 2015 at 4:00pm — No Comments


The USA is not accepting any more players for the CanAm game this weekend.  The deadline to submit your name was last week and we now have a full roster.  If you are not on the team, you are welcomed to come and watch but won't be able to play.  

Thanks and go USA!!!

Team USA Management.

Added by Erik on June 1, 2015 at 2:59pm — 2 Comments

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SSH bank balance is at $75. Thanks to everyone who paid their dues. You can always donate to the ssh general fund by clicking the button below:



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