I'm a newbie from Seattle with a dozen buddies coming down from Canada for the weekend that want to play street hockey this Saturday. How about we challenge the Seattle regulars to a game? We were planning on having our own game, but we were not sure where to play, and then came across your website. Looks like you guys have a nice setup. Please respond asap as we need to schedule our plans soon. Thanks!

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Comment by Chris on February 17, 2011 at 10:52am
We were thinking of playing from around 11am into mid-afternoon so we'll probably check out Greenwood. We are short one set of goalie pads and one net. Any chance we can borrow these from someone in exchange for some ice-cold brewskies, or even cash (say, $20)? It is just for a one-off game. I called Play it Again Sports and they don't sell street pads. Thanks for all of your helpful responses!
Comment by Rainer on February 17, 2011 at 9:56am
Consider we don't play 24/7 so our current site would work well if you're not there at the same time.  We take it over between 1-4ish.
Comment by jeff on February 17, 2011 at 7:25am

I don't think you can 'book' any of the Seattle School lots.  We sure don't.

This is rarely an issue unless some Kenny Rogers look-alike wants to play basketball.

Previously we played at Greenwood Elementary (NW 80th & 3rd Ave NW) which might be a good bet for you guys.   Adams Elementary, our current 'rink' is a little bigger, but still isn't quite contained.

I think we were kicked out of the St. John's parking lot for breaking windows so don't go there.


Comment by Chris on February 17, 2011 at 7:18am
Ok, I can understand that. Could you recommend another location for us to play amongst ourselves? We've considered one of the Seattle School parking lots that looks good, but we are too late to officially book it and we worry that we'll get booted if we play there. Would be great if you can point me in the right direction. Thanks, and good luck in your tourney.
Comment by ML on February 16, 2011 at 9:17pm
We're actually gearing up for a tournament in Las Vegas at the end of the month and this Saturday is our last chance to practice with our teams and lines.  It would be great to play with you guys sometime but I'm not sure if the 19th is going to be the best time to make this happen.  VP, Doucette, feel free to contradict me here if need be.

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